Its only speculation until he crack the cas and like new said clean before you role her over otherwise it might be like dumping a bucket of sand in her first. Myself id would have dropped the sump first for inspection and cleaning. This can still be done. Evem after that when you role her over keep role her towards the transmission keep any bits there.
Dude go down to the local store amd buy yourself a rug 5' by 6 ' short cut style lay it out on the floor keeps things clean and easy on the knees. Toss it when you done.
CP bought out carrillo not sure how long ago but its been a while. The only person I know that is running Carrillo piston and rods is Pedro. They were pre 2010 I believe. Don't ask me how I know should have kept the buggers 9:1 bought before tha carpenter kit came out.