Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

Well Mufasa is whole again. First start shortly, by hand he shifts through all gears and the gear indicator on the gauge works correctly.

One serious issue I need to sort out... IACV is dead, I think it’s the circuit not the stepper need to trouble shoot it.

Skipped a few of the cosmetic mods I was planning as I just want to ride my Rocket before the weather turns from magical fall weather into crap winter weather.
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I may just bypass the IACV completely lol.

Sick of dealing with bull****, the simpler I can make it the better, and frankly no IACV would be a lot simpler.

It’s alive!!

No test ride today, but throttle response is like yours @Speedy, I adjust the throttle assembly to my spec instead of Triumphs, and it’s got insta snap like yours does.

IACV fixed itself... whatever it works lol.

TB balance a touch off, 610-630-610 at idle, but that’s to be expected since they were worked over.

Shifts smoothly, sounds like it should... angry as a bee in a hive getting raided by winnee the poo.

One sticking point, rattle noises from clutch area when it’s in gear clutch released and spinning the tire on the center stand. I suspect it may be a non issue and the sound of the backlash eliminator doing its job.

Will find out soon on test ride.
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It’s a heartbreaker the your trans self-destructed under high stress mechanical gear misalignment due to failure of a $1.00 circlip. Now your looking At $1200 in parts plus your labor to break it down, perform failure analysis, order parts, resssemble, evaluate shifting engagement, test ride for final on road performance. Great in depth FA and pics report. “May the force be with you”
Glad you have Mufasa back roaring again.

My shift detent spring broke recently. Waiting on a new clutch lifter shaft. Hope to ride next weekend. Getting cold already. 39F last night.
Raised Idle a touch, balanced TBs, adjusted TPS/IACV, fitted steering neck covers, filled rear tire and I think a first ride is in order this evening! Can't wait, I forgot JUST how freaky angry Mufasa sounds/is lmao, I'm all giddy.