Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

I am absolutely amazed by your abilities and envious of your free time to work on your bike. It is wonderful that you found the troubles causing your failure AND that you are so willing to share them with the community. I know I am grateful for your knowledge and willingness to share, and quite certain all the rest of us are grateful for it too.

Good luck with the re-machining and reassembly! I am sure it will be better and stronger than before!
Parts just keep arriving lol:


New 10% lighter springs for the Wilber’s.
Whelp, trans is safe and sound at Robinson. One of you other smart cookies have one in their shop to get worked over right now also.

They’re both going to get done at the same time so we’ll both get our bits back quick(ish).

Had a good discussion with Robinson, he concurs with my assessment about 6th gear.... absolutely no reason it isn’t a 6 Speed other than “because Triumph decided to make it a 5 Speed”.
Timing is not the best, they're super busy. I intend to follow up over winter and see if I can coax them into adding 6th to a Rocket.

Would be me buying a complete 2nd hand trans off ebay and shipping it off to get worked over and swap them out/in over a weekend.

So he'd need to make a gear/dog combo unit, another gear, cut two more slots in the input shaft for Snap Rings, as well as weld up the stock shift drum and remachine the grooves in it. All in, quite an expensive proposition, but, one that would truly set anyone's Rocket who did apart from the rest.
The cost will likely exceed the value of my 2008, but I'd consider dropping the coin on a 6th gear.
The pioneer will of course eat most of the development cost, but, I expect all in, it would be under $1k to add 6th for the Robinson parts/labor part.
I might drop that much coin for such pioneering work....of course now my Rocket belongs to Geico.