Sorry to be a PITA but any chance you could provide more details?
- When did you have it done (date)?
- What did you have done (there is a Service Bulletin from this year re: rear brake)?
- When did you notice it going soft (date or days later)?
- Did you ride it between service and it going soft?
- If you pump it, does it come back or it's all gone now?
- Any error codes?
- Temperature during parked time (this is when they figure it is losing its pressure) - Was it hot out, was it cold overnight, etc?
I've had it serviced 3 times by the dealer. The issue as I understand it, is that if you park the bike for an extended period of time (which one does in Canada), then the rear goes flat, loses pressure. Because it's tied into the ABS they have to service it fully at the shop. I have the official recall service scheduled for late April.