Different styles of bikes and different styles of riding require the brakes to be used in different ways. I use the rear a lot on both the Rocket and my KTM to trim the chassis in turns through rear trail braking. On my Ducati I use the rear very little, except when braking with both ends to slow down in a straight line. Partly because Ducati rear brakes are traditionally crap and partly because my Dic is essentially a nimble and very front-end-biased sports bike chassis which behaves very differently from a big cruiser or a tall adventure bike and needs to be ridden differently.
Personally I wouldn't worry about brake pad wear patterns, as long as they're doing the job and the pads are wearing evenly on both sides of each calipre. I'm more interested in tyre wear as that can indicate suspension deficiencies if it is irregular. Though, to date, I've not noticed any uneven tyre wear on the Rocket.