So what's next ?

To be honest, EV's are a lot of fun to ride and drive. There is still a long road ahead before they will replace the internal combustion engine.
Already, the way the emission controls are going, it's going to take the fun out of any mode of transport...but only if we let them!
Laws are changing, here is an example.

A colleague of mine decided to use up his long service leave by taking his family on a lap of Australia in his modified 4wd and camper trailer.
Besides the usual suspension modification to handle the rough, rough roads of the outback, he also did some changes to the fueling and emission (exhaust) system. This included removal of the OEM exhaust and fitting a larger diameter custom with DPF and Catalyst omitted.

Unfortunately, a week away from home, the whole kit and kaboodle decided to roll over for a nap in the desert. Besides a few bruises, the family came out of it pretty unscathed.

And, here is the kicker. Insurance refuses to pay out as it is illegal to tamper with emission systems.
Ppl are really not realizing that the push towards EV’s may sound cool, and “ environmentally responsible “. What they may not be aware of, is that crude oil reserves are plentiful in virtually every continent on the planet. And practically everywhere throughout the oceans......Lithium however, is currently only found, and mined in eight countries. Six of these are only producing mined lithium at weights measuring in four figure ton ratios. The highest two lithium producers are barely managing five figure ton ratios ( per year). Knowing this full well,... Western governments would have us all freely abandoning cheap( in comparison) energy sources, for a resource that is comparably mined at the same levels as gold, and platinum.....That’s cray cray. In my opinion.
Ppl are really not realizing that the push towards EV’s may sound cool, and “ environmentally responsible “. What they may not be aware of, is that crude oil reserves are plentiful in virtually every continent on the planet. And practically everywhere throughout the oceans......Lithium however, is currently only found, and mined in eight countries. Six of these are only producing mined lithium at weights measuring in four figure ton ratios. The highest two lithium producers are barely managing five figure ton ratios ( per year). Knowing this full well,... Western governments would have us all freely abandoning cheap( in comparison) energy sources, for a resource that is comparably mined at the same levels as gold, and platinum.....That’s cray cray. In my opinion.
If anyone wants to know 'why' Congress is mandating 'this' and legislating 'that', follow the money. If you want to know 'why' the SCOTUS rules the way it does, follow social trends.
I“m actually tempted to drop into the local Harley dealer to see if I can take a test ride on a Livewire. I’ve never ridden an electric bike but I’m curious to see what it’s like.
Livewire is a blast to ride! A great bike that’s really at home trying to rip your arms out at the shoulders!
Possible scenario: While in Bakersfield Ca. on I-5 at a charging station. "You guys with your loud, environmentally un-friendly bikes go ahead and go, let me just plug my bike in and I'll try to catch up to you in around 6 hours." "What's that?" "You'll be in Scottsdale Arizona waiting at a bar?" "I don't suppose you will wait till my bike gets charged?" "I can get it 33% charged in 2 hours!" "Okay, bye."
It’s a changing world. I’m sure the blokes riding penny farthings looked on in outrage at the new fangled internal combustion horses of the devil. I’ll miss my old bikes but I’m up for new stuff. As long as they’ve got decent acceleration, handling, and are fun to ride, I’m willing to move on to electric bikes.
It’s a changing world. I’m sure the blokes riding penny farthings looked on in outrage at the new fangled internal combustion horses of the devil. I’ll miss my old bikes but I’m up for new stuff. As long as they’ve got decent acceleration, handling, and are fun to ride, I’m willing to move on to electric bikes.
I get it. I feel like younger guys like my son are all in on electric vehicles. There isn't going to be a choice in California. By 2035 all cars sold in California will be electric. The gas engines will be grandfathered in (at least for now but who knows) although finding gas stations will be a challenge as they want all gas operated engines gone. As the electric vehicles get forced down our throat the State Of California will hasten the process by getting rid of gas stations as fast as they can. Now some may say when a new Governor gets elected between now and then he/she could change the rules. Maybe in another state but not a state that is 63% Democratic so chances are it will happen in states like California, NY, Illinois and like minded states. You won't have a choice only on the electric vehicle you want to purchase. Maybe then the batteries will be good for 600 miles with full charge in 10 minutes. We will see. My sons Tesla is very impressive I have to admit. :thumbsup: