Little story my friend.....I purchased my second bike in 2005. A massive 2053 cc, 800 pound black n glistening chrome beast of a bike. I’m a fairly big guy. So the two of us together were practically impossible not to notice. The problem was my stock pipes were extremely quiet. So much, so that only a month into owning it, I came up beside a car stopped at a red light. RIGHT BESIDE IT. I looked over to see two young women in it talking. They apparently either didn’t notice me, or were to busy talking to care that I was there. I looked forward to see the light turn green. We both pulled away from the intersection side by side. We stayed side by side for about 150 metres, until the driver decided she wanted to change lanes. Without even so much as a glance over to the right, or a shoulder check to the left, she just swerved into my lane. I literally had to slam on the brakes , and narrowly avoided running into a power pole on the sidewalk. The girls didn’t have a clue what just happened, and merely went along their way. They CLEARLY didn’t hear my quiet exhaust pipes. I went out the next day and “ spared no expense “ putting on a set of 3” Vans n Hines straights. Now when I ride in town, or come up to an intersection, EVERYONE knows I’m there. I’ve not had another “ quiet pipes” incident ever since. So you my friend...would be incorrect with the evaluation of loud pipes. I would be interested from which source you quoted statistics about Harley accidents in your region. I’m reasonably sure they’re also incorrect. .....Just my opinions, based on my lived experiences.