Morris do not rush into things blindly. Take your time as once you go down the HP road it gets addicting. To be honest all three styles of making power sound great and well NA is the safest bet but hey I do not set a good example for sure. I am not sure what compression TTS gives with their kits it could be there is multiple choices. Remember the higher the compression the more chances of detonation. Now as for pipes the CES will probably not work with the SC kit. This is my opinion from looking at the pictures on this site its to close to the unit and the air ducting. You might get away with it with the use of Richards inner-cooler so long as the pipes do not hit the SC body.
And Blaine is right I bet you can drive a turbo with the CES header. There is not much room to hide a inner-cooler but maybe you can do a water to air one where the air box is. That is where the air ducting is on the Boost is good kit. You seen the dyno graphs of the boost is good kit so you can get a idea if that is the kind of spunk you want and more important where you want it. It was also pointed out to you about the power band verses RPM. So you need to figure out am I going to race this thing or just spunk around a bit. Racing and winning will take the rpms + HP IMO the 240HP Carpenter Kit will beat the 240HP TTS kit because of the rpm band. The Carpenter kit will be just in third gear and pulling harder then the TTS kit will be in fourth gear. So ratios/rpm and power will end up at the line first. This is important to make your decision as Carpenter is really the only high rpm game in town.
I do not envy you as I have had both and it makes for a hard decision. Supposedly the newer Roadster Transmissions shift smoother then the old style I would like your Honest opinion on both since you now have them. Other then that the ECU's are different and time will tell as to whether its good, bad or indifferent.
On the bright side you will get to know the inside of the engine unless your full of money and can pay someone else to turn wrenches for you. I believe you can definitely do or learn to do it yourself in the long run it will save money. And if not let me know I will take the 09 off your hands as I wanted it anyway but would not bid against a friend