Skippy is an A-hole

Tried this yet?


Aargh that's just wrong !!! In so many ways.
Don't let the Wombats fool ya Tony, they can really move when they want to. Saw something by a fence one night while checking my horses. Bent down to investigate and touched it and it grunted and snorted like a bull and took off across the paddock at a rate of knots. The wife screamed at me some profanity and I just about sh1t myself and the horses took off, didn't wait for their tucker.
Hit one and you will think you hit a truck.
I just learned a new phrase.... "kanga bangas", have no idea what it means but it sounds like it should be in a cartoon somewhere. Actually, everything in that pic looks like it would be pretty tasty, except the turkey, nasty commercial turkey, fowl stuff. ;)

I was at local supermarket last night and there were godamm camel burgers for sale !!! Gonna try those this weekend
Man... I love this forum :roll:

Vaguely remember having a 10oz roo burger in Fremantle about 15 years ago (yikes). Quite likely the best burger and chips I have ever eaten. Wasn't overly impressed with crocodile, seemed to be foam chicken if I recall correctly. Emu was good though.
So you were on that Viking longboat that raided Freemantle .. the raping , pillaging and devouring of our local fauna .. remember reading about that :D