Skippy is an A-hole

i know nothing about Kangaroos - I come from Austria not Australia - but what do they taste like? Couldn't you aussies carry them home as roadkill and BBQ them? A nice bit of seasoning - shouldn't be to bad??

Tell you what they don't f#ckin taste like ..and that's chicken. That just about makes them unique in the animal kingdom .. I can personally recommend roo tail wrapped in alfoil cooked on open coals , oh yeh seasoned with chicken salt. True ;)
You got some funny families down there - Christ that kid is ugly.
Couldn't help but notice they all got hit in the left lane :confused:, maybe y'all should start driving in the right lane :eek: lol. Good news is, you don't have deer, a rider in Ottawa about a month ago got REAL lucky, hit one in the sweet spot and cut it in half, went down, but with only a few scrapes....even better, you don't have moose, at 1200lbs, usually not so lucky.
We have Camels and Water Buffallo in certain areas up north and West
I like my Koalas slightly toasted with a good smear of Vegemite , but it has to go on while the Koala is still warm........
Dont want to run over a wombat eighter, i know they are slow but they are ***n solid alright.