my mistake, don't know the size of them, unless it varies. Over here the further north you go, the bigger they get, our neck of the woods, its easy enough to get 225lbs + and up, the males put a lot of weight on during rut in fall, you see the first one, its the bucks that get hit following the females, they get the blinders on.
Pretty much no escape from moose up here. Rarely find them in the largest cities, but anywhere outside of there the buggers are strolling about all over the place. The deer are usually skittish enough to run away at the sound of approaching infernal combustion, but the moose are too stupid/stubborn.
We are also getting more and more wild boar coming across the Swedish border. Dangerous buggers them!
i know nothing about Kangaroos - I come from Austria not Australia - but what do they taste like? Couldn't you aussies carry them home as roadkill and BBQ them? A nice bit of seasoning - shouldn't be to bad??
Can't speak for kangaroos (assume it's much the same) but moose, deer and the like is inedible after being hit by a vehicle. Bursts all the unpleasant fluid-bearing bits inside (guts and the like) that pollutes the meat.
Yes Loonitick - but Pheasant and Partridge over here are ok when they have been run over. So long as you get them quick and cut off the worse. Besides - these are Australians. They eat Vegemite and Koala Bears. A bit of tenderised Kangeroo should be ok. Bet somebody has tried it.
And they have got more Camels than Eygpt, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia put together. No one has mentioned running into one of them buggers. Now that would take some barbequing.