Skidded while turning


.060 Over
Aug 10, 2016
Rocket Touring 2008
Not feeling great but decided that I need to get stuff done in the office so rode to work anyway. Lost concentration and didn't see a pickup truck coming. Jammed the brakes and the front wheel skidded. Thank God for the dresser bars! Bike was mostly unharmed (new paintwork... Thank God again!), with the exception of the bearclaw, floorboard and slight rashes on the headlights.

Now comes the question, i'm looking at replacing the bearclaw, are they generic or variant specific. I went on to bike bandit and they don't even carry the part. Anyway thanks for the advice in advance!
I am happy to hear you are okay and the bike is only scuffed up some. Depending on how bad, your bear claw may be repairable with the right plastic weld. Be creative...
It's really not that bad actually... Didn't realised it's plastic!


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Roadster ones are definitely metal. Sucks about your off but at least you weren't hurt
Thanks for all the comments!

Anyway was just really really surprised today when the bike went down. I was thinking to myself, it's going to be crazy lifting her up but to my surprise, I just simply lifted it. It was so much easier than lifting my silverwing! Really thank God for the crash bar, I would have probably lost my leg today if not for them.

Now time calculate my losses:
Indicator light lens
Headlights rim
Front dresser bar
Rear dresses bar
Airbox Cover
Glad you're ok. Scuff it, fill wth spot putty, paint it with that beetle juice paint...... Or black
Glad to read it ended well for you. Bear claw isn't even worth buying used, the Roadster one is $100 new from Triumph, used pieces on ebay are a bit less but they tend to no be in perfect condition.