Show us your TRIUMPH tattoo

So....I'm an idiot ?? or your an idiot ? if its the former...and you said that to me face to face, then you really would be an idiot....hahaha ...ignore me Scotty, it's the Maori in me, talking. Oh and my family are scottish from my G/G grandfathers side.

Do not worry if we met face to face I would kick my own arse before you got the chance to do it:D some tattoos have a special meaning like remembering a lost one even celebrating a new born, me all mine are Scottish related except one that had an old girlfriends first name (worst one ever) now the best one I have is on my left arm a few inches above my wrist I have Blood Group O Negative now back in the day when I was a wee soldier that saved me quite a few pricks(needle you perverts)
Now this is where the weird part comes in I have tatoos but you come any where near me with a single needle and boy are we in trouble I hate jags and have been known to nearly pass out with one.:eek:
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Here is my Triumph "Tattoo" on my garage wall. Does this count ? :rolleyes:
My opinion is its never a good idea to put a brand name tattoo on you or a girls name on you. Things change as the years go by, its just the way it is.
The only female name I've ever considered tattooing on me is my daughter, and I have my late wife's, and my mother's initials in tombstones done with some of their ashes put in the ink.