Secondary Throttle Settings on TuneECU?

Good point but here's a question for you Obiwan. The Triumph Roadster tunes have the same timing, same fuel before and after they unrestricted the secondaries in 1st-3rd. How is this possible?
R3's do not come from the factory TUNED for outright POWER. They come tuned to pass legal requirements. So if you alter and it F*cks up - then it is not their problem is it!

As pretty much all countries I believe share the same factory tunes - the tune has to fulfil the legal hurdles in ALL countries. This can be emissions of gases and or noise. So running lean would be a GOOD thing for emissions!. Some countries had/have more draconian tunes for more draconian laws. Mine should have failed the last emissions tests - but the tester apparently had something in his eye at the time ;)

If a guy with a Dyno (even one in a shed) says it leans out the mix - it does. iirc the pre roadster TORS tune from Triumph actually restricted the secondaries - reputedly for the very reason of solving fuelling issues.
Don't know about the fu$king Obiwan comment mate. I am not trying to be smartar$e I am trying to save some poor bloke wrecking his bike. This is what happens to the AF when one opens the Sec plates. I don't care what is is a tune file you can open.
The Obiwan comment was a tribute to your skill and knowledge. Sorry for the offense. None meant.