For Sale Save me from myself

Yes! "IF/When" I get rid of my 6 motorcycles, a nice sporty 4 wheeler of some sort would be nice. I have a 2016 Jeep Compass 5 speed manual, but it won't get out of it's own way, engine only 2000cc !!! That's where I'll miss my Rockets. No waiting in line, in and out, like the Flash! In the Jeep, on the road, you just have to join the convoy, not enough nuts to even pass a migrant bus nad here in SW Florida, we have a lot of them.! :cool:
Good luck with moving the toys, I'm sure you'll find people soon enough.

Sent the wife out on a test drive in a 2023 Mach1 with all the performance options. She said "The pull, the torque, I love the torque. It almost made me cry it felt so good".

Never, in my 21 years of marriage have I so deeply understood what she was talking about as that moment. Instantly I recalled my absolute giddiness after my first trip out on Mufasa (and I still get giddy every time I feel it).

Guess who's buying a Mach1 soon....

Or you could try this :) 2019 Yamaha Niken GT First Ride
Hi all. Well, the time has finally come. I'm about to turn 74 years old, and have several ailments. I've got to where I trip, stumble, etc. etc. just getting around my home. So, I'm actually afraid to ride any of my "3" Rockets anymore. A 2013 that I bought brand new, and "2" 2005's, one with a 2015 engine, other in a hard tail frame. And lot's of parts including a complete 2005 engine. In Labelle Florida, near Fort Myers. ONLY LOCAL interest. I'm a crabby old fart and hate telephones. This is just a cue to see if anybody might be interested. Not looking for a lot of money, just tired of seeing them growing cob webs and low tires and batteries. Sad but true. PM me if interested. "cootertwo":(
Hey Cooter. If you really want to sell I may know someone that might be interested. If you could send me some prices I will pass it on.
Yes! "IF/When" I get rid of my 6 motorcycles, a nice sporty 4 wheeler of some sort would be nice. I have a 2016 Jeep Compass 5 speed manual, but it won't get out of it's own way, engine only 2000cc !!! That's where I'll miss my Rockets. No waiting in line, in and out, like the Flash! In the Jeep, on the road, you just have to join the convoy, not enough nuts to even pass a migrant bus nad here in SW Florida, we have a lot of them.! :cool:
Hahahaaaa! That's funny stuff! Have siblings in New Port Richie, maybe I should come have a look.