Oh my friggin gawd I don't believe I just read this........ It's not often I am speechless
Please someone tell me this just a bad joke…he was right up there with a couple of others members who made me feel welcome sorry you had to go my friend you will be surely missed, you were loved by most here and please stay on our hearts forever
Yes it is an absolute tragedy :(
I never met him but from day one on this forum he made me feel welcome.
most of the mods on my bike wher either inspired by the ones he had done or advise he had given me.
He was a man who always offered help and advise without wanting anything in return.
I must say out of the entire time i have owned my rocket today was the first time i didnt enjoy riding it had it booked in for a tire had it fitted and parked it back in the shed .
I hope you are at peace Kelly/Hellfire May you ride your rocket for eternity in heaven on roads lined with angels.
Never forgotten
He will ride "with" me on the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend. I will say a prayer for him and his family from up there. May God Bless You and Keep you brother, rest in peace.
I just got home from work.
Thought about this a LOT tonight.
Two things kept popping up in my mind.
Life is To short to be miserable.
Tomorrow is promised to no man.
Live each day like it's your last day on earth, it could be.
and the other thing that kept coming to mind, was the wife and her boyfriend.
I don't know the lady or hellfire for that matter, except through his posts,
but, I'm sure there's insurance since they were still married.
This "suicide" don't make sense to me.
He just got his RV and was excited about it.
Sure he lost his job and his life was falling apart around him,
we've all been through that before, and we never even contemplated suicide,
I thought about killing other people, but not myself...
Has there been an investigation?
I'd like to know details.
Not out of some morbid curiosity, but because he was/is our friend
and I'd just like to know for sure there was no foul play.
I'd sure hope you guys would wonder about it if I came up dead.
now if I head butted a tree at a high rate of speed on my bike,
I'd say sure, it happens, bad deal, but it happens.
But if I just came up dead with no details forthcoming, I'd HOPE you'd at least wonder..
Anybody know if his death is even being investigated,
or did they just write it off as suicide and that's the end of it.
Seeing the obituary would be nice, just to ease my mind over this whole deal....
It just don't add up to me...
he'd PMed me about coming here to work, and start over.....
Like many others I only knew Hellfire through his posts.
But from what he posted I thought his mood was lifting and never expected to hear of such tragedy.
And I can feel your pain... you guys who knew Kelly personally.
This loss weighs heavily on us all sisters and brethren alike.
It is almost two years since I lost a good buddy.
It is true what they say "Only the Good Die Young"

Rest in Peace Brother :(
I just got home from work.
Thought about this a LOT tonight.
Two things kept popping up in my mind.
Life is To short to be miserable.
Tomorrow is promised to no man.
Live each day like it's your last day on earth, it could be.
and the other thing that kept coming to mind, was the wife and her boyfriend.
I don't know the lady or hellfire for that matter, except through his posts,
but, I'm sure there's insurance since they were still married.
This "suicide" don't make sense to me.
He just got his RV and was excited about it.
Sure he lost his job and his life was falling apart around him,
we've all been through that before, and we never even contemplated suicide,
I thought about killing other people, but not myself...
Has there been an investigation?
I'd like to know details.
Not out of some morbid curiosity, but because he was/is our friend
and I'd just like to know for sure there was no foul play.
I'd sure hope you guys would wonder about it if I came up dead.
now if I head butted a tree at a high rate of speed on my bike,
I'd say sure, it happens, bad deal, but it happens.
But if I just came up dead with no details forthcoming, I'd HOPE you'd at least wonder..
Anybody know if his death is even being investigated,
or did they just write it off as suicide and that's the end of it.
Seeing the obituary would be nice, just to ease my mind over this whole deal....
It just don't add up to me...
he'd PMed me about coming here to work, and start over.....
+1 SKIP, given the circumstances, confirmation of a competent investigation would be appropriate/reassuring.
That is very untrue about life insurance being void because of suicide. Most insurance companies have a clause that if suicide is done within two years of the policy being issued then only the premiums paid can be refunded. But after two years (again....this is most companies) it is considered not a "pre-planned" event and the full amount of insurance coverage will be paid with no challenge at all from the insurance company (I was in Life Insurance for 15 years and have just a little knowledge of the subject plus I was the Florida Pre-Licensing 40 hour course instructor for two years as well) in the Pensacola area for my insurance company).

As for TriumPhils post...as much as I have had differences with him in the past I did not take his post as being disrespectful at all. He was just pointing out that may have been on his (Kelly's) mind for some time.

Or as a couple of mentioned I would be very interested to find out if this was considered foul play or not. Kelly did seem to be coming around to starting on a new phase of his life and it is strange that he would all of a sudden just cash it in.

Hopefully an obituary or a story from his hometown newspaper may clear some of this up. I doubt his wife is smart enough to succeed in making it look like a suicide IF it wasn't. Not saying she is guilty of anything but it should be looked into to rule it out that it was without a doubt an actual taking of his own life.
