WOW! Really?

"Just the kind of response Hellfire would have expected from you
you heartless bastard even in death you cant leave him alone or have anything good to say .

At least you never disappoint once a douche bag always a douche bag
at least your consistent
ypas "

"I'm hoping the 2012 thing is real, I should be out of money by then and it saves me from putting the gun in my own mouth."

This is a very odd comment for some one who is mentally stable to make. I think that was the message the poster was attempting to convey.
Must confess that I didn't take Phill's post as being particularly uncharitable. Maybe unnecessary in the eys of some, but not uncharitable. I still feel quite strange about what's happened and it's not going to help any of us if we start to look for evil in others that perhaps isn't there.

One thing Phill did was make me look for that thread - "Heard it on my radio". In amongst the banter there are some remarks that point to an unwinding tragedy, but of course only really visible in retrospect. We'd all seen the rants and I guess felt that he as venting - that the safety valve had opened - but in fact is appears now that it was only disguising a smoldering core.

I agree. He make a call for help that few heard. Threats of suicide should never be taken lightly. Phill only brought his previous post to light.

That said I really hope this thread doesn't degenerate into a Phill bashing session. it should remain only as a tribute to Kelly A.K.A. Hellfire.
i never new him well, other than reading his posts , ifeel like i have lost a great positive influnce and i could tell he was always ready to help, wich was very comforting to me as a R3 owner. the world is a littler colder place now and he will be missed. i also will drink a beer for him and say a prayer for him RIP hell fire you will be missed.......
I thought this appropriate....

When you visit HellFire's Member Page, the first thing you read is...

Living Legend Offline
"Just the kind of response Hellfire would have expected from you
you heartless bastard even in death you cant leave him alone or have anything good to say .

At least you never disappoint once a douche bag always a douche bag
at least your consistent
ypas "

WOW! Really?

"I'm hoping the 2012 thing is real, I should be out of money by then and it saves me from putting the gun in my own mouth."

This is a very odd comment for some one who is mentally stable to make. I think that was the message the poster was attempting to convey.

Wow, is right????

Many here have posted that they were shocked (rightfully so) and both taken aback and by surprise by Hellfire's act. Others said they there were no signs or symptoms to the terrible act that he ultimately resorted to, but there were and I posted one of Kelley's own posts where he was clearly calling out for help - it was not taken out of context... there were others in a similar vein. I called the poor guy and urged him to get help as I'm fairly sure that others here may have done, too.

Regardless, his death is shocking and tragic. It's a ****ed shame that it was unavoidable in the end.
Speachless,,, no words,,,,
I hope it is a mistake somewhere:(

That's exactly it.

Kelly was a great friend to many of us on this forum.

I spoke to him a while back. I was having a hard time with a faulty GiPro.

I woke him up and he sounded bad. He told me that he was going through a very tough time. It's no secret what's been going on in his life. Read between the lines (and in many instances, just outright statements).

He was a true kind soul and he is missed.

I'm feeling so bad right now.:(

We'd all appreciate the obituary and any additional information.
so terribly sad ...the man explained patiently tp me how to fix the R3 when I had just bought , I thanked him in printed form I did not know him personally but I always enjoyed his posts
I have no experience with people who contemplate the terrible act of suicide and all I can say is add my voice to the band of brother this forum is and say KELLY REST IN PEACE we will not forget you.
Sad, sad news. Was following the other thread where he described his struggle and I was hoping for the best outcome. Lots of forum support from you guys that knew him, gives me some comfort that there are good people out there.

Rest in peace Hellfire, my thoughts to the entire family and all people that knew and cared about him.