I havent been on the forum long, but he was always freindly and helpful with advice. Second biker mate who's gone in the space of two weeks :( You and Ben can ride the never ending twisties together!!!
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I'm hoping the 2012 thing is real, I should be out of money by then and it saves me from putting the gun in my own mouth.

This was his own post from 4/14/11 where Kelley made reference to the portended Mayan Calendar Apocalypse projected for 2012. There were other not-so-veiled, on-line references he had made to his contemplation of suicide, so this news does not come as a surprise to me, but it is a shock, nonetheless.

Just the kind of response Hellfire would have expected from you
you heartless bastard even in death you cant leave him alone or have anything good to say .

At least you never disappoint once a douche bag always a douche bag
at least your consistent
just the kind of response hellfire would have expected from you
you heartless bastard even in death you cant leave him alone or have anything good to say .

At least you never disappoint once a douche bag always a douche bag
at least your consistent

wow, i so agree, if you havent got anything good to say then get the hell out of our family!!!! What a ass!!! We grieve an you smirk, but that shouldnt surprise any of us!!!!
maybe im thinkin on the logical side of things, but i have talked to kelly alot an it just seems odd that no indication was alerted to us.....yet that ***** wanted everything he had an now she has it!!!!! It angers me to no end that such a great guy is missing a place among us now and we really cant understand why! I just hope that kelly is at peace now!!!!

No surprise form either of you. I am not smack talking the late, departed member. and I'm sure as **** not smirking.

Actually, the post was made for your benefit as well as for others who thought that this was an act from out of the blue. It wasn't. The signs were there and it is a shame he could not have been helped before taking such a drastic and final act.

As for his wife, I sincerely doubt that anyone here knew her or for that matter, knew who wore the black hat and who wore the white one in their household, so bashing his Mrs. only adds to this tragedy, IMO.

In spite of our differences, I spoke with Kelley by phone and urged him to seek help. More than that, I could not do...:(
I am so sorry to hear this about your son . I hope and pray everything works out for your family . Remember we are all here for you if you need anything just ask .

I can relate to this too. My brother Bryan's son Dustin, a star athlete, high school standout and handsome boy, at 16 he shot himself with Bryan's .22 and was gone in the flash of an instant. I believe a girl was involved. Jonie, his mother, never recovered and her systemic illnesses took her down within five years of her son's violent demise. My bro Bryan, closer to me than almost anyone, save my wife and sons, **** near didn't make it either. He's survived, remarried now...but the tremendous pain remains with him. I can see it behind his every expression. A great piece of him has died. Just as Jared's untimely and tragic death has weighed heavily on his family and his brother, Justin, my daughter's fine husband. Kelly has touched many souls, mine included, and he too takes something away from our collective family here. We are less...but we are more as well from having known him.

As far as "black hats" and "white hats" are concerned, Phil, who can say. Like almost every dynamic and changing drama in this life there are really only shades of gray. No one is ever totally right or wrong. I do suspect, however, that behind Kelly's ire was the pain of loss. He may have truly loved his wife once and was grieving the loss of her love and fealty...whatever the precipitating factors. I was not privy to their ongoing intimacies.

Desperation can make monsters of us all. I know this to be true Phil. I have been a monster myself at times. I've done things I regret out of desperation and poignant emotion. We are fallible beings at the end of the day. No one is perfect. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Someone rather important once remarked.
Must confess that I didn't take Phill's post as being particularly uncharitable. Maybe unnecessary in the eys of some, but not uncharitable. I still feel quite strange about what's happened and it's not going to help any of us if we start to look for evil in others that perhaps isn't there.

One thing Phill did was make me look for that thread - "Heard it on my radio". In amongst the banter there are some remarks that point to an unwinding tragedy, but of course only really visible in retrospect. We'd all seen the rants and I guess felt that he as venting - that the safety valve had opened - but in fact is appears now that it was only disguising a smoldering core.