I liked the Victory's. Was very disappointed when the entire line was removed. Just not impressed with the Indian. Same company but two entirely different bikes.
Victorys and Scouts are decent bikes for their purpose, but, they'll never be anything more than HD alternative "me too" bikes imho.
Kind of sad, they could have done something different, been something more. Water cooling, VVT, DOHC, aluminum frames, etc etc technology has marched on, yet these relics are still packing 1970s tech.
THATS great tell that to my buddy his wiped out the stock cams etc then he went with the big cams and valve train goodies and he thinks its fast hes been trying to race my ROCKET I have been egging him on whenever I pass a car he tries to follow and pass me but he doesnt have the power so I run part throttle so he thinks hes hanging in Im waiting for him to call me out for $ he does that with the HARLEY guys and hes won everytime so far so I guess hes going after bigger game racing my Rocket WELL we will see this week he had his own DYNO CENTER for 8 years so hes no dummy
I love the roadster in its simplicity, it's all horsepower and torque with very few refinements, pure muscle.
I also love my Indian RoadMaster, it lacks the horsepower and torque of the roadster but offers so much more in the way of comfort and touring Amenities. And once I lowered my expectations a bit It is no slouch in the horsepower department.
Having both bikes in the garage would be perfect. Which is why I'm keeping my eye out for another roadster
I really want to give a Roadmaster a try. Spent an hour or so talking with the salesman about them. Lots of really nice features. And...while a Street Glide (or derivative) might well be as nice...you see 20 of them on every ride. At least the RM is somewhat exclusive, sort of like the Rocket. I really hope the offer the "open" fender of the Chieftain Limited on the RM.
The tough part will be parting with the Rocket. Already have 2 other bikes in the garage, plus my wife's.
Victorys and Scouts are decent bikes for their purpose, but, they'll never be anything more than HD alternative "me too" bikes imho.
Kind of sad, they could have done something different, been something more. Water cooling, VVT, DOHC, aluminum frames, etc etc technology has marched on, yet these relics are still packing 1970s tech.
Hold up a minute. Victory's did have a overhead cam. No push-rods. Very effective engine and with a bit of work very fast. Unlike the Indian engine, Why the bike never got the attention it should have is beyond me.
I really want to give a Roadmaster a try. Spent an hour or so talking with the salesman about them. Lots of really nice features. And...while a Street Glide (or derivative) might well be as nice...you see 20 of them on every ride. At least the RM is somewhat exclusive, sort of like the Rocket. I really hope the offer the "open" fender of the Chieftain Limited on the RM.
The tough part will be parting with the Rocket. Already have 2 other bikes in the garage, plus my wife's.