The ROCKETS arent nearly as hot as the VTWIN Perculators the GOLDWINGS are Toasters also I cant ride those hot ass nut roasters the KAW 1400 CONCOURSE is another horrible hot beast just tested one last week those Sport Touring bikes are only comfy on the High way at speed and all the bikes have trans issues just look them up on the net I blame it on the fact that some humans are hard on machines and as a dealers we always had SOME customers that are hard on the bikes burning up rear tires every 2,000 miles worn brake pads only getting 20 mpg as others are getting 40+mpg but thats normal stuff some are abusive and are just part of the population that think its normal to ride to a bar and booze it up and do burnouts in the parking lot YEP I watch them every time I ride as we meet at FRANS PUB an outdoor restaurant and bar WE have one sportbike owner that tuned his own bike and now has to buy $10 a gallon race fuel because his bike is PINGING from the bad tune and hes a police officer who drinks all day and leaves intoxicated to drive home everytime he rides WOW is he a piece of work All the Harley gus have issues everytime I talk to them the dealer charges the hell out of them for everything all they do is complain