When I went shopping for my Rocket back in 2013, I had never ridden one, only sat on them and drooled. I was in a dealership with my son sitting on a 2014 matt black on Black Friday. Told the salesman I was interested and that it would be a cash deal. They wouldn't lower their price 1 dollar. This was in late November 2013 with snow flurries. Frustrated with him, I phoned another dealer across the province and asked if they had one available. They stated they had a 2012 Roadster with 0 miles in the showroom. We made the deal over the phone. They cut their price $4500 and Triumph threw in another $500 in accessories because it was an off season model. I never saw the bike or sat on it until early 2014 when I was down south for a bike show. The dealership let me go into the bike storage and sit on my Rocket. I couldn't stop grinning. I picked up the bike late March 2014 and trailered it back home. First ride was in April 2014 and haven't looked back since. Still have the same smile on my face today as that first day I rode it.
I can't believe this fellow was complaining about the size of the bike. You don't compare a Rocket to a Street Triple. Did he ever even ride a Rocket? Appears not.