Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

I too am sorry the Her3tic won't be there. I was looking forward to visiting more this trip to compare our similarities. (in view we both had misinterpreted each other before RAAIV). Take care Her3tic and congrats.:p
as of 2/22/2010 - Things are starting to take shape thanks every on for booking early If I fill the 20 room I have blocked they will block an additional 10 room for the event.

Handle / #in party / #rockets / Room /
Trirocketman / 5 / 1 / Confirmed 2
scowherd & Katie / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Jduke & Amanda / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Rainman & STB / 2 / 2 / Confirmed
Scot in exile / 1 / 1 / Confirmed
Speedfreak / 1 / 1
Watsonian / 2 / 1
Warp9.9 / 1 / 1
wildwilley / 2 / 1
xhdskip / 2 / 2 / Confirmed
Finkenator9 / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Uncle Jesse / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Boogerdave / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
FLDave / 1 / 1
Lester / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Baggage / 1 / 1
64herald / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Billz / 1 / 1
Stripes / 1 / 1
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Confirmed
Total / 36 / 23
Well Ime glad that I am going to have another female rocket rider or two to ride with.I sure did enjoy riding with sunshine last time...:)
Maybe if this keeps up one day we will out number the men.....:eek:Now that would be one for the record books:D
And in keeping with the spirit of the thing,
I need to know what "location" to have put on the little dangly tabs this year.
Checking on pricing on getting tabs made for the previous years events too.
Here's what I've told her to make.
#1 Kansas City KS '06
#2 Memphis TN '07
#3 Eureka Springs AR '08
#4 Maggie Valley NC '09
#5 Slade KY '10

Tabs aren't real big, so it was either include the state or the year.
I figured year, but it ain't to late to change it,
just whatever everybody wants.
Also asked for an updated "proof" pic.
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OK it's settled me and katie will host a cookout friday night and the routes will have scheduled lunch stops and all other meals will be fend for yourself. I will gather carryout and delivery menus from the local restaurants I also have a kitchen in our room that will be open also. There are grills under the party shelter also. Final agenda will be ready 2nd week of march with routes. We will also bring DVDs from the fall launch for everyone that attended. My hope is to make this event one to remember and represent the beautiful state of kentucky so if there is anything I can do please let me know....... I am also working on door prize items
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