Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

Glad Lonnie and the rest are going to make it. Steve I should have copywrited that footage it will be a classic for many seasons. That is until something better comes along like JDuke catches the rabbit or Steve finds another spot to rest after eating oranges.:D
suppose to have "proofs" of the latest pin and patches
today sometime in my inbox guys.
Called them both already today.
I've checked my e-mail at least 10 times already with nothin there yet.
Not what we're lookin for anyway.
I'll post em as soon as I see them so we can critique them.
I am going to wait a while until I start making the shirts . . somewhere around mid April. I have the design(s) and they sewed out well.

For those of you that said you wanted them . . PLEASE PM me so I can hang on to the orders. BillZ . . I got yours as a PM already.
Here's the latest pin designs guys.
Since its a "arrainged" event
we can go with the site name at the top,
or not.
Whatever shawn wants.
Certainly ain't trying to hijack the name,
but also don't want to cause the site any legal troubles.
What do y'all think.
Shawn, PM me with your response please.
Here, have a look see.

Main body of the America pin has two clasps and is 2" wide by 1&1/4" high.
Well Ime glad that I am going to have another female rocket rider or two to ride with.I sure did enjoy riding with sunshine last time...:)
Maybe if this keeps up one day we will out number the men.....:eek:Now that would be one for the record books:D

Maybe rainman will get his lady captain picture this time? Since I won't be there to fly past the scenic stops. Lol
It was Nashville in 07.
Consider a pair of eyelets below each bar;)
And consider S10 and F10 for Spring and Fall rendezvous for those years as appropriate.
If I dont make the RAAV in KY S10 it may very well be the Fall RAA in Marble Falls AR F10. A few more mid westerners should make it to Arkansas. And I do look forward to seeing Mr Gadget as well as Sunshine and Bear this fall. Possibly Pig9r and the rest of the Kansas crowd. And everyone else from the Dakato and Ogallala region :D I spent quit a number of years in the Omaha area. Some of the nicest people Ive ever known.
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