G'day Yandicoogina, saw your previous message that you were looking for other Aussies in this forum. Thought I had better get on board, to present the ANZAC point of view, We however, do join an illustrious group and we say a fond g'day to all of our fellow R3 riders, where ever you may be in the world and we see ourselves as part of the brotherhood of R3 devotees. R3's rule!! I'm an agnostic but if there is a god, he rides a RocketIII.

Aussie John
More of an ANZAC point of view than you imagined, bro'. I'm originally from Auckland but been in WA for 30 odd years. (and there were some odd years!)
I would love to do the USA journey...just not sure how to go about it, cos freighting an R3 over there would be excessive, I'd guess. Something to keep mulling over anyway. I still have trouble getting a plan together for Philip Island!
W.A. to Phillip Island

Phiilip Island is a must, I was there a few months ago to see our boy clean 'em up. But given I lived in Melbourne at the time, that was no real feat. You want to bring the Rocket accross the big paddock, I'd be looking at a truck one way or the rail to Adelaide. The cost would be peanuts as Perth to Adelaide is el-cheapo. Going back, different story. Many moons ago I was a charter pilot in the North West first base was Karratha, then Port Hedland. Given that I had been a pilot based out of Melbourne, man that was like being transported to another world. But I got my first road bike in the nth west, it was a Kwaka thou, red, teardrop tank, brand spanking new. When I came back to Melbourne from Hedland, I trucked it to Perth then trucked it to Adelaide first up, rode it to Melbourne from there.

We could get a convoy of bikes from Adelaide I would think as all clubs do Phillip Island. Think about it when the race gets closer. Triumph here have an active club.
I'll be a starter for a journey over to Philip Island. However, I expect to see #46 chalk up another victory! It's good to see Stoner do well, but its awesome to watch a legend performing his craft like no other! He has millions of fans around the world.
I'll start planning tomorrow...