Hi from John in the UK.

Hello John and welcome from Virginia. I am glad that you were able to make your introduction here. The alternative is much less fun for us all.
Welcome from Downunder. Nice little trip you went on but not such a nice mishap. Glad you're OK though. Sure looks like your bike's a Standard rather than a Classic - which naturally are the best of the bunch (even the boring black ones ;)).
Hello John, welcome from sunny Somerset, sorry your trip was spoiled be a little mishap but glad you're okay the bike will fix eventually, it's just metal and rubber.

I'm from Manchester originally so visit relatives quite often, never use the motorway if I can help it, the Fosse way runs from here all the way to Derbyshire and it's great and normally quiet road, not that busy is a problem for the 'Big Bugger'.

hope you enjoy the bike and the site. keep it rubber side down....!!!;)
G'day and Welcome ... we all know it's a robust bike .. and the rider too by the sound of it :thumbsup: tank will turn up , if not in black you can always get one painted mate.