G'day Yandicoogina, saw your previous message that you were looking for other Aussies in this forum. Thought I had better get on board, to present the ANZAC point of view, We however, do join an illustrious group and we say a fond g'day to all of our fellow R3 riders, where ever you may be in the world and we see ourselves as part of the brotherhood of R3 devotees. R3's rule!! I'm an agnostic but if there is a god, he rides a RocketIII.

Aussie John
G'day Mate

Glad you've joined us from "Down Unda". We have a great deal of information and fun at this site. Does the name imply you're a pilot now or were at one time? Give us a little history on you and what you do as well as pictures of the R3.

Then Captain Status will be approved!

To The Kansas Ivory Finger


Thankyou for your comment, am I talking to another aviator? I hope so, I think there may be a synergy with being a pilot and owning a RocketIII.

Anyway, yes I am but not flying for a living at the moment. I have an A.T.P.L. and Instrument rating with approx 10,000 command time and I have the dubious honour of one of the highest time, surviving MU-2 pilots in Australia with over 3,500 hours on various types of that widow maker. Didn't fly any of the biggies, other than a heap of sim time, a bit sorry bout that in a way as I always dreamed of having my own overhead blue button with "hostie" written on it.

My son Daniel and I want to do the U.S. and possibly Canada on Rockets, He has a '07 650 Yamaha XVS that he had done his licence on. When the trainer wheels come off his licence, :cool: he wants a Rocket III as well. But he keeps muttering incoherently something about "vee rod". I'll have the doctor at the local medical centre check him out.

Aussie John