Rocket science

Hi kaivalagi,
It doesn't matter whether the object is exposed to the energy on the inside or the outside. Those two surfaces could be different colors and if at the same temperature, would radiate energy differently.

Not being smart or trying to offend anyone but I don't really care what fuel mileage I get. If I wanted fuel economy I wouldn't be riding a Rocket.

Fair comment. It's just nice to be able to get a couple of hundred miles out of a tank when I'm in the groove.

I do recall back when I did some camping as a kid that the good old blacked pots would boil water faster than a shiny silver one. I was told that the black absorbed and retained more heat. Makes sense to me.
Fair comment. It's just nice to be able to get a couple of hundred miles out of a tank when I'm in the groove.

That's true I don't care about fuel economy but another 3 or 4 litre capacity would be handy or dare I say it better fuel economy. There I think I just shot down my own argument. Wouldn't that f#ck you.

Ok, you finally you got me racking my brain as well, over this...

Radiating light and heat is just about the same thing, and black will radiate less of both.

Black pipes will keep more heat inside (just like a black car), and therefore run slightly hotter on the surface.
Light pipes are a bit cooler - but just because their heat is being radiated and transferred to your leg, all the time!

So Tomcat's bloke was right, black pipes will give you slightly cooler legs.
Only repeating what I was told Mark .. "no dog in this fight" as Bull would say ... hahahaha
Getting back on the thread's topic, as long as I can get approval from SWMBO I'm going to order a CES system. Leslie told me in an e-mail that they can supply a set of K&Ns too along with a Tune ECU map, - so the whole enchilada is available from them. I think that's a great package,

OK guys,
This is the last I'll post on the subject, but please read this.

D@mn, seems you're right.
I should have known because I do have some experience with body radiation.
Seems they all radiated to me - no matter which colour, and some of them were really hot.