Rocket science

Then again why would he want someone hanging around.and old saying around workshops if you watch $20 extra if you try to help $40extra
I think (Jamie) the Dyno guy was more alluding to the fact that a lot of customers want results but are shocked to hear their bikes rev like they have never heard before and complain,
I may be wrong but the factory HP/Torque figures quoted are taken at the flywheel and never authenticated by any authority the Dyno figures are rear wheel horse power/Torque,
all the dyno tests I have seen, including dyno shootouts of big street machine car engines ,big block Fords/Chevs and Mopar Hemis are brutal affairs , no mamby pamby *****ing around ,if you go into the pits at a drag race meeting and listen to the top fuellers "tune" up you will see what I mean.

I was told that it's actually the other way round .. black ceramic coating runs a tad cooler than silver or lighter colours. Bloke that told me has been building m/cycle exhausts for 25+ years.
I'll post a pic of what I've done for a heat shield. The only problem I had, you may recall, was that my rain pants melted on the pipe and I stupidly tried cleaning it off with oven cleaner. DO NOT DO THAT. Fortunately I had a small heat shield with the Foran pipes and have made up an extra bit with a small piece of off-cut bear claw. Looks OK and works great. I can rest my legs straight down against the shield and it's not too hot at all.
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I was told that it's actually the other way round .. black ceramic coating runs a tad cooler than silver or lighter colours. Bloke that told me has been building m/cycle exhausts for 25+ years.


That bloke is incorrect. The effect is described by Max Planck's theory of black body radiation. The link is rather more in- depth than warranted, and a better example is a commonplace situation: A white car and a black car are both out in the sun, - which feels hotter to the touch?


On a slight tangent to the thread, I was wondering what kind of gas mileage folks with the CES pipes and Triple K&Ns of RamAir filter are getting, - and how you ride.


I ride as I d@mn well please and I got 36 mpg from Dallas to Houston at 80+ mph
That sounds pretty good for a modded intake and exhaust. I'm standard at thee moment but with a Wayne Tripp map and I get 38mpg.


I don't think the colours matters at all, unless the actually coating differs in thickness or density because of it

Surely black body radiation theory relates more to something being exposed to radiation/heat from the outside and not from the inside. From the inside an exhaust pipe will be the same and as long as the ceramic coating is the same thickness and density regardless of colour it will radiate the same heat out.

Your example of a white and a black car relates to an object begin exposed to external radiation, if there was no sun shining and both cars were the same temp at rest, after running the engine really hot would the bonnets be different temperatures...I don't think so. If what you are saying is true all my radiators in my house would be painted black to make them more efficient at radiating heat but it just doesn't matter.
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