Rocket 3 Roadster 2011 Tyre Choice and Compatability

Ooooooh Tomcattywatty I sooooo profusely apologise for my extreme wudeness Sire. My name is Lionel and I love God and animals and want to make everyone happy and have world peace praise beeeeee The Lord!!
Happy now :)

You left out the bit about being an idiot.
Ooooooh Tomcattywatty I sooooo profusely apologise for my extreme wudeness Sire. My name is Lionel and I love God and animals and want to make everyone happy and have world peace praise beeeeee The Lord!!
Happy now :)
Not cool....
FFS guys/girls, you lot not gotta sense of humour!!??
I introduced myself yonks ago when I signed up last year.
Soz if ya pissed with me asking for advice but wtf, time for bed. As I said to those who don't have a ****ty attitude on ere, thanks for the advice.
To those I've obviously pissed off by not saying "Hi" first and then obviously pissed off again by making light of it with a jokey comment , I apologise if I've offended. Good night
When you started this thread- it was your first post...
Unless you rejoined as another name - we are not going to know that.
I am running a Dunlop Elite 3 on the front with an Brigdestone Excedra Max on rear best milage and most even wear I have yet out of a front including Michelin, Shinko Avon and the poxy Metz. The rear is doing well as well and is definitely 10x the tyre the pox Metz rear ever was. When my second rear rim arrives I will be getting it shod with a CT as for towing it is the best and even general touring it kills any other rear tyre, My plan is to run the bridg'y for round the local twisty stuff and shorter riding distances switch the Darkside when big milage and premium grip is requred
FFS guys/girls, you lot not gotta sense of humour!!??
I introduced myself yonks ago when I signed up last year.
Soz if ya pissed with me asking for advice but wtf, time for bed. As I said to those who don't have a ****ty attitude on ere, thanks for the advice.
To those I've obviously pissed off by not saying "Hi" first and then obviously pissed off again by making light of it with a jokey comment , I apologise if I've offended. Good night
:confused:Well I am confused it says in your profile you only joined up last Thursday not trying to break ya balls but how do you get "Last Year" out of last Thursday and it only shows this thread and relevant postings in it as being your only postings, so unless you are even more confused.
I ask you this, .... Do you know what most Aussies hate most .... "Bullsh!t Artists"
Please think about it then try just respecting this International Community of Triumph Rocket Owner's as We can be your best Friend or your worst Nightmare you choice.
I don't have a Sh!tty Attitude but I loath liars, so please set the record straight intro yourself properly with out the crap and you will find we are a cool bunch of guys to hang out with
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Ooooooh Tomcattywatty I sooooo profusely apologise for my extreme wudeness Sire. My name is Lionel and I love God and animals and want to make everyone happy and have world peace praise beeeeee The Lord!!
Happy now :)

Cockhead !!! .. one of you f#ckwits turns up every 3 months or so. Annoy just about everyone and then disappear.
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Ok, point taken but I only asked a question, then get some abuse!!! I wasn't being rude or obtuse, but don't like having a sarcastic abusive comment, I see Tomcat is still at it. I'm not a "cockhead" as you put it!! Anyway water under the bridge. I joined last year as Harley-dude but got abuse from just my username!! So in essence been a member since July 13 but changed email address so needed to change user name.
I'm in the UK, have BlueHaze R3R with a few mods, street slammer black bars, revolver barrel bar ends, Dave platt Zorsts, blacked out Indicators, black light covers etc.
Love the ride except the UK 126mph speed restriction. Ok we don't NEED to go over this, but it would be good to see 140 on her occasionally. Love the bike, handles well n awesome presence. Let's start again Tomcat n anyone else I've pissed off for not re-introducing myself. Sorry.

Cheers for all the tyre info

Suggest you go and re-read my initial comment and your response to it .. if there was anyone being rude or whatever else you said it certainly wasn't me. Just common courtesy to Introduce yourself when 'meeting' any group of people I feel. Apology accepted and I apologise for calling you a .. well you know. All good my end and Welcome.
All good this end Tomcat, maybe I was being a bit over sensitive. Not sure where all you guys are from but are the R3R's restricted top end and speed in the gears for Torque around the world or just here in the UK?
Been thinkin about the plug-in thingie u can buy and add your map or downloadable maps u can get but if it's wrong I hear u can cause mayhem?
