Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

My only concern with embroirded is it could be uncomfortable if worn under helmet which is my intentention to protect the helmet lining from oil of your skin if you shave your head like I do:D
probally should know how big the embroidery will be before we jump in hey Skip Are you thinking of geting the artwork on the DO RAGS done the same as the buckle or are you looking for a variation of the theme... do I need to get the "Pencil" OUT of IT's Cage
Can't decide which ones embroidered or printed, but whichever we have I shall have 2 of each if printed & 1 off each if embroidered. I'm sticking my order in now Skip in case the they arrive before my buckles, you must have lost your mind Skip going strait into another order after the trouble you'v gone to with the buckles, when are you due back in hospital?.:D:D
Just want to get them before the riding season is over
so we can "sport" them while we blister them harleys.
ALL them fanatics have skulls and flames and such nonsense,
All I want is a BIG R3 in front.
maybe a smaller height, say 1 inch tall "TRIUMPH"
right across the front with the bigger "R3" over it,
on the do-rags.
On the bandanas just "our" R3 on all 4 corners,
so no matter which way you fold it, you see it.
I'm thinin' white lettering, maybe silver, what say you captains?
100 of each should be enough of the silk screened ones.
That's 200 R3 bandanas
and I'll order a couple of the high dollar do-rags with the triumph on it too
so ya'll can see what I'm visualizing here.
Or better yet,
HansO, how about putting pencil to paper and drawing up a a mockup?
Just want to get them before the riding season is over
so we can "sport" them while we blister them harleys.
ALL them fanatics have skulls and flames and such nonsense,
All I want is a BIG R3 in front.
maybe a smaller height, say 1 inch tall "TRIUMPH"
right across the front with the bigger "R3" over it,
on the do-rags.
On the bandanas just "our" R3 on all 4 corners,
so no matter which way you fold it, you see it.
I'm thinin' white lettering, maybe silver, what say you captains?
100 of each should be enough of the silk screened ones.
That's 200 R3 bandanas
and I'll order a couple of the high dollar do-rags with the triumph on it too
so ya'll can see what I'm visualizing here.
Or better yet,
HansO, how about putting pencil to paper and drawing up a a mockup?
Im confused mate what the hell is a do-rag:confused::confused::confused: count me in whatever it is:D
A strange thump on the floor at midday & I find a package on the floor, yes, yes, yes, I think with great expectation, could this be what I've been waiting for, alas no, it was just those belt buckles from Skip :D:D Thanks Skip, they are excellent & well worth waiting for, if the bandanna's/do rags are to be judged by these then we are again in for a treat. BTW I don't know what a do rag or a zandanna is, are they just a square of cloth or some form of shaped thing, in fact please describe a bandanna I may have the completely wrong idea. How sad & ignorant am I !!!!!!!:confused:
Hope all works out good for your wife mate :)
I go to port maquarrie every year for the bike rally. There are trumpys everywhere
I will post all info well in advance for next year it would be great if e few of us could catch up there .
Its always based in the port maquarrie breakwall tourist park and i always get there on the friday and leave on the monday or tuesday .
it has great support from port maqaurry motorcycles and a great time is always had by all so next year i will start a thread a few months prier and see if any of you guys would be interested :cool:

is there a web site I can look at for the rally at Port Macquarie
A strange thump on the floor at midday & I find a package on the floor, yes, yes, yes, I think with great expectation, could this be what I've been waiting for, alas no, it was just those belt buckles from Skip :D:D Thanks Skip, they are excellent & well worth waiting for, if the bandanna's/do rags are to be judged by these then we are again in for a treat. BTW I don't know what a do rag or a zandanna is, are they just a square of cloth or some form of shaped thing, in fact please describe a bandanna I may have the completely wrong idea. How sad & ignorant am I !!!!!!!:confused:

Your not ignorant!
Do-rag is a formed (sown) bandana the shape of the skull with tie in back. It keeps you from having to fold a square bandana to fit your head. ;) just slip it on the old noggin and tie it.

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)