Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

your box DID go out today with extra buckles included.
4, two of each.;)

If I knew how to speak barcodeneese
I'd type that number for you,
I'll have to wait till the wife gets here tomorrow after work
for all that fancy stuff..
She's got an "app" for that...
All I know is I just have a problem,
hand it off to her,
and she fixes it.
works good on computer type crap, like lists, and barcodeneese,
but not so much on motorcycles...:eek:
I gotta do that part myself...:D
Hey, it lets me know I'm needed for somethin'.....;)
Well my goodness! Ive not caught my breath yet!
At least we've got s good collection of addresses now!... I just gotta get office on his laptop and get an electric rolladex going :p

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)

Hi baby,
thought you was in bed already.
heck it's 6:30 PM,
what are you still doin' up?
Hi baby,
thought you was in bed already.
heck it's 6:30 PM,
what are you still doin' up?

Your daughter hasn't been home that long! I'm in bed now winding down waiting on sleep. Nighty-night love

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
Hey I took 1 of each of my buckles to Ulysses Club Coffee with this morning I took the brass one in it's box, Turns out one of the members has a nephew that recently bought a rocket and enquired as to how he could buy one for him to give as a present, I told him I had gotten 4 extra to use as gifts but said I would sell him one so now I have one less:rolleyes:to give a way
You'd better not be selling mine. :mad: ****, knew I should have come down this morning. Mitch's are the ones we agreed you'd be getting rid of. Remember??
Son won his rugby game, btw.
Your's is on the way Jack,
I promise it is.

I'd sure like to attend that little get together
you guys are talking about attending next year.
Take lots of pictures this year won't you Mitch?

Glad more are showing up across the pond now.
Think I'll drink another beer in celebration.

I'm actually workin' on getting us some RED and BLACK bandanas
made with our little unique R3 on them.

getting them embroidered is kind of expensive,
but they'd last forever, where silk screening might fade out
after a year or two of washing, what do ya'll think?
embroidered or silk screened?
The screened are way cheaper, so a man could probably
get 3 or 4 for the same price as 1 embroidered.
Any preference gentlemen?
the lady told me $10.00 each for the embroidered.
But they are "Do-Rags", not bandanas.
I thought that was still kinda high, then include shipping.....
Silk screening around a dollar for the bandana
and a dollar to have it screen printed..
SEE, BIG difference...

Personally I would rather they be embroidered
classier and last longer
If there embroidered I will take 1 in the slow color and 3 in the fast color :D