Fly screen makes a way bigger difference than you think , I'm 6 foot and at 120 Klm per hour if I raise my hand in front of me I don't feel the full force of the wind till just above my eyebrows , my back neck and shoulders used to ache until I put the bug screen and Rico risers on
Hmmm ......
Initially I thought that the flyscreen woulden't do much for wind and was just for looks.
Seems like you guys find it makes a difference eh?

I find with my full face I am cool without wind protection at most speeds but with the skull cap, it can get a little hairy.

My experience is pretty much the same as @Wrecka above. I'm 6ft and the fly screen stops the chest getting blasted...head still wobbles a bit, but only at speeds where the last thing I could give a f*ck about is my head wobbling....
My experience is pretty much the same as @Wrecka above. I'm 6ft and the fly screen stops the chest getting blasted...head still wobbles a bit, but only at speeds where the last thing I could give a f*ck about is my head wobbling....

Interesting. Is there any buffeting with the flyscreen? If not sounds like I should pick one up :)
I will admit they do look awesome.
Interesting. Is there any buffeting with the flyscreen? If not sounds like I should pick one up :)
I will admit they do look awesome.

I ride daily and I think what ever buffeting there is i'm probably used to it and don't really notice it anymore. So my answer to your question is no, but there probably IS some buffeting of the helmet that I'm just used to .
Straight on wind is one thing but the R3 radiator and giant tank produce a kind of buffeting on the side of your head I hadn't experienced with HD's without shields. The problem isn't head on wind. A standard size roadster screen directs that over your head (well mine, I'm 5'9").

I've had about every shield imaginable. Fly screen. Then fly screen with 5" spacers to move it forward. Windvest, supposedly a design miracle. Not. Stock summer and roadster screens. None of these prevent air coming up around the radiator and tank making vortices around the ears. I finally got a 2" wider Clearview shield and Triumph lower deflectors. This actually worked. There's a reason they call them shields.
Interesting. Is there any buffeting with the flyscreen? If not sounds like I should pick one up :)
I will admit they do look awesome.
I really dont feel any and i bet thats dependent on what helmet you use as well
I use an angry screen. You'd be amazed at what it redirects, especially if you change the height/angle of the post screws. I ride in Germany (autobahn) 200+ km/hr (120-130 mph) and have never experienced any buffeting. It won't protect from cold or rain, but it does take the wind off your chest. As for the helmet, that's also a huge difference. I gave up the brain bucket when I got here to Germany! Don't think I'll over go back. I have a modular shark (evoline 3) that's EC compliant even in the up position. However, above 100 (60mph) I find I much prefer the face down. In fact, any time I get out of the city, it's comes down. Much more comfortable!
I use an angry screen. You'd be amazed at what it redirects, especially if you change the height/angle of the post screws. I ride in Germany (autobahn) 200+ km/hr (120-130 mph) and have never experienced any buffeting. It won't protect from cold or rain, but it does take the wind off your chest. As for the helmet, that's also a huge difference. I gave up the brain bucket when I got here to Germany! Don't think I'll over go back. I have a modular shark (evoline 3) that's EC compliant even in the up position. However, above 100 (60mph) I find I much prefer the face down. In fact, any time I get out of the city, it's comes down. Much more comfortable!

That is a slick helmet. That's one thing I find riding without a windshield I tend to dust off the old full face. I swore off modular helmets when I bought a Scorpion 900 and it had a horrible whistling noise. Any issues like that with the shark? Maybe I should look at an upgrade.
I love the shark and I know there are a few others here who ride the EVO 3 too. No issues at all with it. Vents could be a little better in the rain, but then I think riding in the rain sucks no matter what you're wearing?! No whistling noises. It's a little on the heavy side, but not bad, worth the trade off.