Roadster Handlebar Risers Research

Why do some people say that they have seen the risers on the Roadster in addition to the Touring.... are the Risers specifically meant for the touring only but people put them on roadsters anyway?

Rivco makes risers for the touring and the roadster but they are not the same. That might be where the confusion lies. The touring risers will not fit the roadster (according to my research) but the roadster ones might fit the touring (I never checked).

Roadster/classic risers:

Touring risers:
I've got the Rivco's on my '09 Classic. Didn't really notice much difference until my first 8 hour ride that I didn't hurt after. Haven't had any issue lifting the tank with them on as long as the bars are straight. I have noticed (a bit late) that at the most comfortable angle, the cables on the left rub the tank at full turn and have left a bit of a mark in the clear. Check your clearance and maybe clamp them at an angle if they touch.
I have a 2013 Roadster and from Q&A's on this site chose to just swap my bars for the touring bars. I didn't just want the pullback but a little less wrist angle. I found with the stock bars my wrists weren't at a relaxed angle. The touring bars worked out perfectly for my shape. I'm 5'9'' with long arms 180lbs. I did have to re route the clutch cable but nothing else. It wasn't much change at all but it was exactly the right fix for me. I used too get cramps and back stuff after maybe 4 hours, now I can go 10 to 12 no problem and look forward to doing it again the next day. BTW, I don't have to do anything at all different to raise the tank as some are claiming with the RIVCO risers? Hope it helps. Also I have the stock 2013 Roadster handlebars if anyone needs them, say $75 plus shipping.
Hi Bernard
I also have a 2014 Roadster and I'm about to fit the Rivco risers. Just out of interest where did you disconnect the brake like from? Under the tank or on the bars?
I'm just a bit concerned about having to bleed them afterwards.

A front brake bleed is a Can-O-Corn!
If the risers with the Classic bars allow the tank to be raised, I say .
My issue is short arms, long torso. The Classic bars are an improvement.
I need at least two more inches pullback and another inch in height would be p-e-r-f-e-c-t.
LOVE the comment, "the fastest arm chair around" by @Paul Jacobs!
I want that as well!
I fitted Rivco risers to my 2014 Roadster today, re routed brake line, throttle cables and clutch cables by removing the top yoke instead of disconnecting the brake line ( heard abs can be tricky to bleed ) anyway it worked for me without any issues. What a difference it makes, 2" back might not seem much but makes a world of difference to the seating position. I have the Corbin dual tour seat with drivers backrest as well as engine bars with highway pegs. Looking forward to a European tour in June.
When I did mine, I just jacked up the front of the bike until the front wheel was just touching the ground. Then I removed the top triple tree clamp, pushed the cables back (only had to reroute the throttle cable) and reinstalled the clamp. Never disconnected anything else and it works perfect.
That's exactly what I did Cruzn6. Not a bad job at all that way.