Roadster @ ABS?

Roadster ABS Manual

Great info about the Roadster Manual- I have a new Roadster Service Manual on order from one of the large Triumph dealers in Toronto. Am I correct in assuming the Roadster/ABS Supplement T3851190 will be included with the Roadster Factory manual? As part of the manual package?


In the US, the english version is two parts. The base manual T3851160 (~130 USD) and the Roadster supplement T3851190 (10 USD) which essentially adds an 84 page Chapter 19. The base manual can be found online in PDF form here and other places. I like paper so I got my base manual here marketplace : TRIUMPH SERVICE MANUAL PAPER Rocket III R3 3 2008 2009 2010 Part# T3851160 for sale in New York, NY area (247JC9). (I have no connection to this guy.)

The Roadster supplement list the following as differences to the base Rocket III manual:

- Gear change mechanism,
- Exhaust silencers,
- Rear brake master cylinder,
- ABS braking mechanism,
- Instruments,
- Main wiring harness.

I thought the Roadster was supposed to have an uprated clutch and driveshaft but there is no mention of it in the supplement.
I have a 2010 roadster, and am disappointed with the the spongy feel in the back brake, my dealer tells me this is due to ABS, but I don't feel as confident on the back brake when traveling at speed, compared to my '06 model with which I had no problems
Any one else suffer this??
Rob Tremblay:

I ride the same 2010 Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster. My ABS light came on during last ride and I am in the process of troubleshooting to repair.


My rear brake is the same as you described, spongy. Will check with my buddies at DETROIT TRIUMPH on correct feel of rear brake pedal.

I removed and cleaned front and rear ABS sensors, 0.5mm shims, and the rings. Took several pics of this procedure and will post if there is sufficient interest, or send via PM to individual Rocket riders.

Still have ABS light.

Will check wiring for breaks or shorts

Next fluid reservoir, fluid change, bleeding

Purchased two TuneEcu cable and plug harnesses that I have not yet connected to run diagnostics, but did notice in the Triumph specific user instructions that there is a ABS brake bleeding feature that opens ABS solenoid.

Check this out:


Installation instructions can be found here:

Have you tried bleeding the back brakes?
Youse need the Dealer Tool.
GGoogle it . . .
Youse need the Dealer Tool.
GGoogle it . . .
No you don't, not to just change and/or bleed the Roadster ABS back brake. You only need the Triumph factory ABS tool when doing the front brakes and complete ABS system.