Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! . crapola day for me.Before M.S. kicked my but I used to have my own repair shop, and was a ASE certified master auto I know what blown out v/c gsk.-smoke/blow-bye from crank = Yes I think it was over reved .Hp went from 151-157trq to143-151trq,this sucks stress is not good for MS. No way can I trust this guy to fix,esp since he wont admit fault .Gonna need good lawyer and $ got lots of parts to sell , fenders seat,sissybarw/pad exh.sys Carbon fiber gas tank cove,fly screen,& more Ifanyone is interested PM me

Its good to see your keeping a holiday attitude Gary. I am sorry to here your having problems and surley hope they sort it out. I think your problem is the tuner leaned out a cylinder or possibly all of them verses over reving the engine. There is a couple reason I say this. First one being there is a rev limiter set in the ecu and if you did not use any tunning aids like tune boy or the tune ecu stuff your rev limmiter is fairly low. Even if you did raise the limiter the stock pistons and rods will turn 8000 rpms easily. In fact there is a captain in Indiana that did the Carpenter head and cam package yet left hte stock pistons/rods in her and pulled 214 hp with the 9000 rpm map. I have taken mine to an area where the fuel pump could not supply enough fuel(larger injectors then stock) and wasted a couple pistons and liners along with the headgasket. Its work but an easy fix you do not even have to remove the engine to pull the head, pistons,rods (if you choose) and liners.

Thats the problem with tuners as they have you sign a release saying they can learn all they want on your beast and you have to foot the bill.

I am still curious as to how the cam cover gasket got screwed up. Did they pull it to check the valves? I have had blow by on mine just from the crank case filter being dirty and with the blower I have actually blown the oil dip stick out of the tank while hitting it hard at highway speeds but never poped the cam cover gasket out, Oh you talk about a mess when you blow the tank oil all over your side at 80 mph.
I clean my crank case vent often now!!!!

If you go to Habor freight they sell a good scope you can fit down the sparkplug holes to do a inspection on each cylinder. Scope pictured below

They have a cheaper one but it will not fit in the plug hole. I is held in your hand like a gun.
the one pictured above will take pictures or record and has room for a memory chip for large storage. Pictures might help you get the dealer to foot the bill and repair her.

I am not trying to talk you into a Carpenter package but if your not up to wrenching anymore because of the MS then I would recommend there work. Be prepared to have a lot more power if you go that route. If you weren't 1000 miles away I would say lets take a couple days and fix the ***** as its about 300 bucks a hole if you go with new pistons aand liners. Of course some of the guys who has Bobs 11.8:1 pistons installed might just have a set of pistons they do not need. Stew, Heardman, Grabits all have different pistons so there should be some laying around.

If you still feel the need to lighten up on some of the extra goodies you have laying around especially the seat and some of the other goodies send me some pictures I do need another seat for my extra Rocket or if it is a race style seat I could use it on my fast beast verses the stocker. I hope you do not have to give up on any of the extras you have collected and get the problem solved quickly.

Good luck if I can answer any questions feel free to ask as I have broke enough crap on this bike and have had the engine completly apart three times now doing upgrades and fixing weak links.
WOW!!! Just a Mechanic thinking here :confused:
Do you think they could have dyno'd it and over reved it during the process?
This could have caused semi seizure or piston ring hitting a cylinder top ridge breaking one or more rings maybe.
The blow bye would increase the crankcase pressure to the degree that the pressure just blew the cover gasket and pushed oil out.

I know its no comfort to you but it sounds like someone has stuffed up big time and stopped any further work just wanting to get the bike away from their premises maybe hoping to blame the owner for something... Bastards!

I would find some of ya big mates and go back..dont know nif I would let them try to fix it though, they may cover up some other problem..
Do you have the dyno slip?
It might tell a story if they gave you a true copy.

Sorry to here this mate.. bloody heartbreaking I would think...

Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

Thanks for your input guys. Oil leak is definitely coming from valve cover. You can see it is misplaced from excessive crank pressure. Cover has never been removed, still dusty, no fingerprints. Dyno charts showed hp dropping the more they worked on the bike. In no way, do I trust this guy with my bike again. Any captains a lawyer or know of a good lawyer in Mid-Hudson region of New York? Hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving weekend!
Gary, I'm very happy to leave the technical advice to others like Warp there. Sounds sort of promising that even in the worste case it may not be too bad.
But dust on your valve cover?? What's that about? :rolleyes:
Yes Dust, shes been see'n lot of shop time doing K&N's, chin spoiler & monster tail mods,and it took the guy over a week to rip me off but at least rim's look good. wet sanded & buffed to look like chrome.Plus having MS it takes me forever to do the simplest things. Oh well doesn't matter now between the stress of having been screwed,causing an extreme MS exacerbation ,and now trying to finding a way to get bike to NJ for engine overhaul my riding season over! :mad:
Just my two cents worth but I would file an official complaint against this shop with your state attorney general's office. They are paid to fight against rip off shops. Never hurts to use what you have already paid for. Download the form on line and fill it out, mail this a**hole a copy. When I have done this in the past, most of these idots don't want the state poking around because they probably cheat their books as well and they sing a different tune. Just a thought.
In my experience dyno has always been at owners risk whether you have signed anything or not. You could lawyer up but don't know wether you will get a result. That's not to say don't do it I'm no expert. But did take Suzuki Australia to court recently on similar issue and lost, only up side they had managing director suzuki Australia, service managing director Suzuki australia, and head of Suzuki race team all fly to Perth from east and they hired an ndt bloke, cost me $70 to take them to court and a lot of time but it cost them way more than fixing my engine to turn up so i lost bu got satisfaction out of it. Was all caused by dyno issue from a 2 year old gsxr 750. As the rev limiter was unaltered and all the parameters were within the tolerances for the bike, I had argued it must have been a flaw from manufacture had stuff to prove a lot of it but not my own ndt guy and thus lost. As much as it sucks you may just have to bite the bullet and get it sorted. I dunno at the end of the day I think it has to be your call and go with ya gut. From what others have said about the stress this engine can take it's quite possible you have a warranty issue. Go back to trumpy and tell em it just happened when you were riding don't mention the dyno and let them sort it out. Hope it works out
Thanks warp9.9 for great pics. and advice,(bet my pistons gonna look just like yours),and also great advice from hombre.thanks to all for support,this sucks have to see such incompetence in action, but for now gotta just take it as my MS is kicking my butt. My wife doesn't want me to sell my parts yet. So, I'm just going to take some meds and bite the bullet on this one. Maybe someday, I would love to organize a Rocket Rally at his shop. Thanks to All! Stick a fork in me.
Thanks warp9.9 for great pics. and advice,(bet my pistons gonna look just like yours),and also great advice from hombre.thanks to all for support,this sucks have to see such incompetence in action, but for now gotta just take it as my MS is kicking my butt. My wife doesn't want me to sell my parts yet. So, I'm just going to take some meds and bite the bullet on this one. Maybe someday, I would love to organize a Rocket Rally at his shop. Thanks to All! Stick a fork in me.

Your not done yet Gary, in fact let me point out how great a wife you have as mine would have said sell the whole **** thing (she is not much for motorcycles) Yes your riding season is done for the year but the way the weather is changing it will be done soon anyway. You have all winter to tend to your health and get the bike sorted out. She will run againand faster if your going to take he to Bob Carpenter.
rocket co-piolets

Good day to all ,warp has brought up a very important thought about my wife and all significant others that tolerate us captains my wife haS BEEN arock in this MS storm ,she keeps me grounded iand gisve me direction .to my wife esp. andto all others that dont uderstand yet tollerate our obsession Isay THANK YOU gotta go lay down, Does any one no or have any ideas how to get my bije to NJ Has any one know of or used any transport compamies