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HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! . crapola day for me.Before M.S. kicked my but I used to have my own repair shop, and was a ASE certified master auto tec.so I know what blown out v/c gsk.-smoke/blow-bye from crank = Yes I think it was over reved .Hp went from 151-157trq to143-151trq,this sucks stress is not good for MS. No way can I trust this guy to fix,esp since he wont admit fault .Gonna need good lawyer and $ got lots of parts to sell , fenders seat,sissybarw/pad exh.sys Carbon fiber gas tank cove,fly screen,& more Ifanyone is interested PM me
Its good to see your keeping a holiday attitude Gary. I am sorry to here your having problems and surley hope they sort it out. I think your problem is the tuner leaned out a cylinder or possibly all of them verses over reving the engine. There is a couple reason I say this. First one being there is a rev limiter set in the ecu and if you did not use any tunning aids like tune boy or the tune ecu stuff your rev limmiter is fairly low. Even if you did raise the limiter the stock pistons and rods will turn 8000 rpms easily. In fact there is a captain in Indiana that did the Carpenter head and cam package yet left hte stock pistons/rods in her and pulled 214 hp with the 9000 rpm map. I have taken mine to an area where the fuel pump could not supply enough fuel(larger injectors then stock) and wasted a couple pistons and liners along with the headgasket. Its work but an easy fix you do not even have to remove the engine to pull the head, pistons,rods (if you choose) and liners.
Thats the problem with tuners as they have you sign a release saying they can learn all they want on your beast and you have to foot the bill.
I am still curious as to how the cam cover gasket got screwed up. Did they pull it to check the valves? I have had blow by on mine just from the crank case filter being dirty and with the blower I have actually blown the oil dip stick out of the tank while hitting it hard at highway speeds but never poped the cam cover gasket out, Oh you talk about a mess when you blow the tank oil all over your side at 80 mph.
I clean my crank case vent often now!!!!
If you go to Habor freight they sell a good scope you can fit down the sparkplug holes to do a inspection on each cylinder. Scope pictured below
They have a cheaper one but it will not fit in the plug hole. I is held in your hand like a gun.
the one pictured above will take pictures or record and has room for a memory chip for large storage. Pictures might help you get the dealer to foot the bill and repair her.
I am not trying to talk you into a Carpenter package but if your not up to wrenching anymore because of the MS then I would recommend there work. Be prepared to have a lot more power if you go that route. If you weren't 1000 miles away I would say lets take a couple days and fix the ***** as its about 300 bucks a hole if you go with new pistons aand liners. Of course some of the guys who has Bobs 11.8:1 pistons installed might just have a set of pistons they do not need. Stew, Heardman, Grabits all have different pistons so there should be some laying around.
If you still feel the need to lighten up on some of the extra goodies you have laying around especially the seat and some of the other goodies send me some pictures I do need another seat for my extra Rocket or if it is a race style seat I could use it on my fast beast verses the stocker. I hope you do not have to give up on any of the extras you have collected and get the problem solved quickly.
Good luck if I can answer any questions feel free to ask as I have broke enough crap on this bike and have had the engine completly apart three times now doing upgrades and fixing weak links.