Removing Secondary Butterfliesin

How to program your GiPro and check out what it's set for now.


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I bought my 07 classic with tors and cat bypass i think it had the tors tune. when i got the tuneecu i found out that the secondary's in all gears was not 100 % so the resistor would not have changed anything. believing that the partially open secondary's will create air turbulence and better mixtures i decided to only open them to 100% above 3000 rpm. i like the way it turned out.
my secondaries have been gone for several years now.
Had a guy I know who owns a R3T ride mine the other day.
He came back an said "What'd you do to it, it comes up in 1st an 2nd without trying".
Mine don't do that...."
I told him It's only in mode 1, mode 3 is lethal, an I only use that on the track...
Needless to say, he liked mine...
not yet...
Removing the secondaries is easy to do, but not required. When the dealer installs the TOR pipes they should load an OEM Triumph tune for them. This is different to the stock tune in that it is a little richer. However, it doesn't remove the restrictions in the first three gears.

However, that is easy to do with TuneECU. When you get the bike home, use TuneECU to read the tune, then save that tuning file. Then edit the tune to open the secondaries 100% in all gears and at all throttle positions - then save that tune with a different name. Then load that tune into the bike. All is done.

Another alternative is to get a better tune off one of the chaps on this site and load that into your bike. Make sure you specify the model and year of your bike, as well as which air filters and exhaust you are using if you are requesting a tune.

Thanks for the answer.

It's bizarre that the dealer doesn't know about differences between the older (up to VIN # 574812) and newer (from VIN # 574813) Roadster tunes. Triumph made such a big deal about releasing the power in the newer bikes, after they had been restricting it for 3 years.

The only difference between the older and newer tunes is that the secondaries are closed in the older tune. The fuel and ignition tables are exactly the same. So in the new tune, the fuel table says deliver X amount of fuel with the secondaries open 100% and in the older tune, it says deliver the same amount of fuel, but with the secondaries closed down to as much as 24% open. I think that the ECU sees that the intake air flow is restricted based on the value in the secondaries table and recalculates the fuel, otherwise it would be way too rich. So, you don't want to remove the secondaries but have the ECU think there are secondaries that are way closed down.

As for ignition, just copy table I3 into I1 and I2.
Back to the original takes about 5 minutes once you're in the throttle bodies to physically remove the things. Tune or not, they're gone and not restricting you ;)
I WOULD LEAVE THE 2NDS IN THERE AND WORK WITH THE ECU BECAUSE IF YOU TAKE THEM OUT (IMHO) sorry about caps and don't set the comp 100% open then you have a comp making adjustments based on 2nds set at aprx 30% to 50%. how good would that be. seems to me it might be lean and have hesitation.
i guess my words would be why take the chance.