Removed the Secondarys today and....

Throttle body cross section is big enough that secondaries in or out dyno at the same power, zero difference, verified on the same dyno.

If your secondaries are not totally open when commanded to be at 100 percent that's an alignment error.
Throttle body cross section is big enough that secondaries in or out dyno at the same power, zero difference, verified on the same dyno.

If your secondaries are not totally open when commanded to be at 100 percent that's an alignment error.
not anymore.
Even set to 100%, they still close at low RPM's. When you snap the throttle open, there is a lag before they get to 100% open. I like to wheelie and it's easier with them out.
Agreed. There is no need to have them there. It is so easy to remove them, and the benefits are so great why keep the nagging little things.
Power up wheelies are very easy with mine secondaries in, it's about ignition timing not secondaries to get that snappy throttle response.
Power up wheelies are very easy with mine secondaries in, it's about ignition timing not secondaries to get that snappy throttle response.
Since you have the secondaries in, and the right software. Have you tried the launch control feature yet?
I have the 4th gear ignition tables copied into 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Is there something better ?
Yes but he has the new tune boy which has many goodies in it like launch program the launch rpm say 3000. The the secondaries close to contol the rpm while the primarys and throttle is wide open. As soon as you launch it returns to normal. Theres also a three maps you can store. And choose which one to run. Plus a few more goodies.
Noticed on mine since i did the secondary delete i get a lot of poppin and bangin from my exhaust on the overrun...cant say ime a fan iff ime honest
I have tried a little warp. It definitely works but I've not it dialed in to the point where I can hold it wide open and dump the clutch and gogogogogo like new sportbikes can.

I plan on racing a lot this year at Bremerton so I should be able to test it better this year.