Remove stepper code and TPS code permanently

What I did. Removed the stepper motor. Using a volt meter set to ohms, Measure criss cross across the plug on the step motor. Write down that number. Measure criss cross across the other two terminals in the plug. Mine were 8.6 ohms if I remember correctly. Whatever reading you get, by some 1/2 watt resistors of the that value, (or as close as you can get). Then wire them into the plug that stayed with the bike. I made some terminals so I could keep the plug if it had a problem. If I was going to do it again, I would cut the plug off and connect the resistors direct. Use shrink tubing or tape thoroughly so they don't short to the frame or to each other. Tuck them up out of the way, clear the fault and you should be good to go.
Is that 1/2 watt resistors or 3 watt as in earlier post, cheers
Is that 1/2 watt resistors or 3 watt as in earlier post, cheers
I had to go back and look. You are correct 3 watt. Mine also measured 8.2 ohms not 8.6. I did remove the secondary butterflies. They are driven by a different stepper motor and not related to the idle stepper. If you have Tuneecu you can set your secondaries to be 100% in all gears.
I had to go back and look. You are correct 3 watt. Mine also measured 8.2 ohms not 8.6. I did remove the secondary butterflies. They are driven by a different stepper motor and not related to the idle stepper. If you have Tuneecu you can set your secondaries to be 100% in all gears.
Cool thankyou ☺️👍🚀
Here is the resistors I bought on Amazon.


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