Relatives , old pics and motorcycles

This was a rig I built in 1984. It's made out of a "Zap" three wheeler that came with a 5 horse lawnmower engine and an early 1969 "type 1" 350 Honda that had the 10,500 rpm redline engine. It uses my should have been patented, push button electric solenoid shifter. It has a hydraulic disc brake and electric start. I still have it though I haven't driven it in some time. Used to take it to the sand dunes in Silver Lake, Michigan. Then they started getting picky and wanted a roll bar and a seat belt and mufflers, so that kinda ended that. It goes about 75 mph as geared. Feels a lot faster with your arse about 10 inches off the ground.

While on the above trip to Sturgis we were about to run out of gas in the middle of Tinbuck 4 on a Sunday morning. We got off the highway and found a gas station. A big group of bikes pulled in right behind us. Turns out they were a club from the town I worked in Michigan called the All Americans. A young boy at the station said they were closed on Sunday. We told him we were in dire need so he took off to go get his father who was fishin'. He came back awhile later and opened up and sold us gas ! A real stand up guy.

I told you that story as backdrop for this next picture. We ended up becoming friends with the All Americans. We never joined the club (not my thing) but we did a lot of rides with them and every Labor day they had a huge weekend party. Really well planned and executed. Some of the members were in the national guard so had access to a full outdoor kitchen. They had a stage with bands and real $hithouses and a place to shower. A real good time. Anyway here is me and my sweetie failing miserably at the weenie bite !

OK one more if I haven't bored you to death yet. I hope this isn't like looking at slides of your friends trip to Disneyland. Here is me at the Harley engine plant in Milwaukee Wisconsin for the Harley 90th anniversary bash. What I thought was kinda strange was I rarely used the trip meter on my ole' bike. Just when we pulled into the parking lot of the engine plant I noticed it had just turned over to all zero's.