Relatives , old pics and motorcycles

Heard a rumour the other day so I went looking. Found this in Live To Ride magazine no.10 from 1988. Not only can he Tig up broken clutch levers he used to have a beard.@Mittzy[USER=2817]@TOMCAT[/USER][ATTACH=full]24085[/ATTACH]

Donny when hair would grow on his head (other than out of his ears and nose ).....
Told Bruce I've also got a copy of the magazine that Donny never gives up trying to weasel out of me .. for his sons to keep he reckons .. think i'll leave it to him in my will ..hahaha
He can have my copy if he really wants another one

Interesting that the photo is reversed and the text not?!?!?
Great old pix nonetheless!

Here is one Mom took of my Dad when they were dating in 1941.
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Now had you handed 'that' bike to Ponters .. well things may have been different ... hahaha
Not real old, but here is me in about 2008 leaving a restaurant to go on the spring run with the Muskegon Motorcycle Club. The first time that bike had been plated in about 27 years. It's about 40 degrees F in that picture. It clouded up about a half hour later and dropped into the low 30's and started snowing. I only made about 100 miles of the 150 mile ride. About died of hypothermia on the way home.