Rob - The pictures posted show fixed pipes as do DavePlatt's ad's. BUT the expansion chamber available is MINISCULE. So no controlled exit expansion - Think MUZZLE BLAST - Megaphone exhausts exist for a reason - as you know.
@Nat67 has Outlaws and when he came past me it sound like a belt fed shotgun. Uncle Natty-poo has not mentioned if he has popping.
If he does NOT then as you say - a leak seems possible - I am very OCD about routing stuff and repositioning the MAP sensor so there were no kinks in the tubes was time consuming.
An exhast leak somewhere would also do some pulsejetting. If he has popping - and knowing how fussy Nat is about motors - then it is an inherent issue with Outlaws.
They are that open (visually) - would also NOT surprise me if between exhaust pulses they draw in some clean air - like a pulsejet assisting unburned gas combustion therein. Bit like a V1 rocket engine (Schh tell no body how I know).
Would actually be interesting (once I have the Travelguy-Jardines & THUGS dialled in) to see how different a set of Outlaws is. I do not like the Gas splitter union at all on DP's pipes. I know it is partially a problem with the ABS boxes.