Received this from Tampa dealer and link to Daily Herald ( UK)

Really , not sustainability , not identifying new revenue and profit opportunities, not being careful and responsible custodians of thier brand, etc?
I’d call it ‘short termism’ and a complete inept marketing failure as it relates to capitalizing and realizing the potential of this brand in the biggest motorcycle market by a million miles...the USA. (I’m a Brit just in case...)
Sustainability you are talking much so I can’t be bothered to explain. The Rocket is probably the LEAST known ?
i must be pretty lucky to live in an area that has a vast motorcycle knowledge in fact I know I am as I see posts about members getting a hard on when they see another rocket on the road, I get concerned if i do not see at least two or three other Rockets daily where I live. When I visit my local dealers each salesman knows the Rockets pretty well and like them just would not own one.
Sustainability? I know a lot of you guys are new to the Rocket but it has been around for fourteen years now and that in any line up is a long time, we can all say what we want to about HD but they have a great marketing program which they invest pretty heavily into, now Triumph is a very small company compared to the big four so it stands to reason that it has a LOT fewer dealers and a LOT less advertising, nothing wrong with being all romantic over certain models but if they DO not make money you can not keep them going might sound cruel but business is business.
I have people tell me all the time how beautiful the Rocket is. I would not really call it pretty or beautiful but it is very unique. Most people I meet do not know much about it. Those that do are are very much lovers of the bike.

I have to admit I did not know much of anything about this bike till I bought one. This is a niche bike with a devout cultic following .
I'm so ready to remove all traces of the marque from Mufasa and simply let people wonder, when asked I'll simply reply "it started life as a Triumph, then I fixed it".

I 100% disagree with the direction they're going and want nothing to do with it, I don't want to be associated with the bar hopping "lifestyle" group of tirds.
I'm so ready to remove all traces of the marque from Mufasa and simply let people wonder, when asked I'll simply reply "it started life as a Triumph, then I fixed it".

I 100% disagree with the direction they're going and want nothing to do with it, I don't want to be associated with the bar hopping "lifestyle" group of tirds.
I have neve done any bar hopping. I ride to many miles to be bothered to stop and get drunk so I can kill myself.
I have neve done any bar hopping. I ride to many miles to be bothered to stop and get drunk so I can kill myself.

Indeed. I don't usually drink and ride, my career is over with a single DUI, so it's not really an option.

Triumph is dead to me now, no Daytona, no Rocket, nothing but a sea of little bikes fit for drunkards and hipsters.

What happened to Triumphs being actual performance bikes... apparently those days are gone and this is my reaction to them being positioned to move 100% of bike assembly to India (only the R3 and special models are still assembled in Hinkley):
Vomite lol.gif
Most of the new Triumph models on my dealers floors are those little retro looking toy motorcycles. They have one Rocket and a few cool looking sport bikes other than that a bunch of it is old looking mini bikes.:(
nothing but a sea of little bikes fit for drunkards and hipsters.
How on earth do you get drunk on a triple soy peppermint latte?. And thank you so much, America, for destroying coffee.

Lest we forget - real Rockers, who arguably made Triumph (in)famous with Marlon's help - went to cafés to drink coffee (well OK probably tea). Not booze.

Hipsters - on scooters ------------------------------ Hmmmmm. Remind anybody of anything?. This time maybe they win!

It is ALL about surviving a huge dip in sales.

We (well me anyway) are all Dinosaurs - destined like the T-Rex to be converted into fossil fuels in a few million years.
Many of us, on here, are most certainly NOT the future. One or two are very much PAST IT.
Sorry but we no longer interest companies with a 10 year plan. Coz some of us will be in the conversion phase.

I bought the R3 to do "A" job. I looked at masses of other bikes before arriving (by accident really - because they were NOT on my list at all) at the door of Triumph.
So what does that say about me - Yup - I am odd, fussy and do not fit into pigeonholes with a lifestyle attached.
This is my destiny - to embrace the obscure - and suffer for it.

Since then it has only had to perform it's original purpose a handful of times as Mrs B. has pretty much abandoned passenger-ship.
I got VERY close to going to a Trophy - but that has now gone - and if I am honest - I am not entirely surprised. Annoyed? - yes a bit.