I'm not buying into this until after mid-August. Sounds like a marketing pitch to set expectations for a big surprise. I was told by a Triumph NA employee to expect an R3 announcement in the first few weeks of August.
Yes...and why did they loose the plot ...because they are owned by owners that have no reverence or understanding of what the brand is or stands for. Do you think a ‘real’ Jag lover believes this new model line are Jags? They might be good cars but in my opinion they are not Jags. ( the inherent essence missing...think Porsche...even if you’d been dead 50 years , if you came back today , although totally evolved , you’d still know ‘ that is a 911’. That’s what understanding your brand is about.
Actually to be specific about Jaguar Thier models in the 80’s where changed to make a big assault on the US market. Unfortunately it coincided with a period of appalling quality and this brands lowest point in its history from a quality and reliability aspect...this is what tarnished sales in the US...and everywhere else actually.
Really , not sustainability , not identifying new revenue and profit opportunities, not being careful and responsible custodians of thier brand, etc?
I’d call it ‘short termism’ and a complete inept marketing failure as it relates to capitalizing and realizing the potential of this brand in the biggest motorcycle market by a million miles...the USA. (I’m a Brit just in case...)
Sorry Fred but the rocket is well known in the motorcycle world, truth is not many people like it, it is a big ugly bike powerful but butt ugly, that is the main reason it is not a big seller.
While I agree the Rocket is not broadly known...they are hardly ugly. Everyone who saw mine walked round and round and oohed and ahhed. Granted the touring model owes much style wise to the Road King, but that's the basic kind of tourer Americans expect.