nothing but a sea of little bikes fit for drunkards and hipsters.
How on earth do you get drunk on a triple soy peppermint latte?. And thank you so much, America, for destroying coffee.
Lest we forget - real Rockers, who arguably made Triumph (in)famous with Marlon's help - went to cafés to drink coffee (well OK probably tea). Not booze.
Hipsters - on scooters ------------------------------ Hmmmmm. Remind anybody of anything?. This time maybe they win!
It is ALL about surviving a huge dip in sales.
We (well me anyway) are all Dinosaurs - destined like the T-Rex to be converted into fossil fuels in a few million years.
Many of us, on here, are most certainly NOT the future. One or two are very much PAST IT.
Sorry but we no longer interest companies with a 10 year plan. Coz some of us will be in the conversion phase.
I bought the R3 to do "A" job. I looked at masses of other bikes before arriving (by accident really - because they were NOT on my list at all) at the door of Triumph.
So what does that say about me - Yup - I am odd, fussy and do not fit into pigeonholes with a lifestyle attached.
This is my destiny - to embrace the obscure - and suffer for it.
Since then it has only had to perform it's original purpose a handful of times as Mrs B. has pretty much abandoned passenger-ship.
I got VERY close to going to a Trophy - but that has now gone - and if I am honest - I am not entirely surprised. Annoyed? - yes a bit.