*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

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G'day fellow RDU Attendees are we going to appoint a Run Captain who will be the contact person for the Run if someone is running late or God forbid has troubles, just a Mobile Number will do also a contact for those at home in case one of our mobile phones is lost , just a thought ,I would be no good as I never hear my mobile when riding ,
G'day fellow RDU Attendees are we going to appoint a Run Captain who will be the contact person for the Run if someone is running late or God forbid has troubles, just a Mobile Number will do also a contact for those at home in case one of our mobile phones is lost , just a thought ,I would be no good as I never hear my mobile when riding ,
I vote Hanso
Beware .. he fell of on the first RDU Ride .. wheelstanding from memory .. hahaha
Actually Mr TC, I did not fall off I twisted my knee and ankle saving from having a fall after a accidentally unexpected small wheely that went sideways ( just for the record I Do Not do intentional wheelies with Ann on the back or with trailer on) when leaving some road works.
From Memory no one actually "Fell off" but Richard fell over when trouser leg caught on side stand at servo (with out damage except his pride) and Mittzy's bike rolled forward and unfortunately fell over (with minor damage) as he dismounted on a slight slope at another set of Roadworks, they were the only falls, so just for the Record "hahaha"
As Richard said and it is the best system, that is We All put each other's phone number in our phones, we could exchange via a "Conversation" between each other, I have Every body that is meeting at Yass except @cusso ken's numbers already, any others that would like to share thier number please send it to me via a PM (conversation)
Its funny I haven't met Hanso yet but his name did come to mind besides he has done RDU before and teach us a thing or two :whitstling:
Funny thing you say that as I am unfortunately for those who couldn't make it this time the only one that has attended all three of the RDU's so far, on another note been in contact with Big Marty and while Cath has been very ill and still in Royal Brisbane she is making positive progress, if any body want to send her a card or whatever I have her ward/ room details