*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

Will you be attending?

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Play nice Mates! Remember anticipation is 80% of enjoyment.
I'm vicariously enjoying the fun and excitement youse all are having prepping for your big RDU event.
Especially the rookie, @Wrecka. Sure wish I could be there to ride LEFT and meet all of youse!
Keep your eyes on the road and have a GAS!

I am a RDU Rookie as well Bull ,I have been to plenty of bike Rallies over the last 59 years ,but they were just booze ups anti social events like the 20 odd Bathurst Easter Bike races I attended ,with Riots, Police Brutality ect, but never a classy event like RDU that is more befitting a mature gentle person like myself, :whitstling::sneaky:
I am a RDU Rookie as well Bull ,I have been to plenty of bike Rallies over the last 59 years ,but they were just booze ups anti social events like the 20 odd Bathurst Easter Bike races I attended ,with Riots, Police Brutality ect, but never a classy event like RDU that is more befitting a mature gentle person like myself, :whitstling::sneaky:

Yes it is 59 years I first went to the Bathurst Bike Race weekend in 1955 with my Dad and Uncle Les we slept in uncle Les's 1948 ford Delux Panel van that was his Bread carters van, I can still remember the smell of fresh bread all night, great memories
Getting exicitng now, did all the required maintinence on the bike today , tomorrow i'll wash it and do a dummy load of all gear to make sure it fits :)

Heh heh heh
I have always been a last minute fellow, starting to pack late the night before and usually getting 3 - 4 hours sleep before riding out on a long trip. :sleep:
You sound like my kid brother who, after he has packed up and when he later removes something you can hear the vacuum suck of air. :D
It's ALL good - ride fast and safe as possible.
Heh heh heh
I have always been a last minute fellow, starting to pack late the night before and usually getting 3 - 4 hours sleep before riding out on a long trip. :sleep:
You sound like my kid brother who, after he has packed up and when he later removes something you can hear the vacuum suck of air. :D
It's ALL good - ride fast and safe as possible.
I'm much like you except o will do mainenance a week before and take the bike for a fun to make sure all is good then fill up the tank and the evening before I pack all the rap I plan to take sit it in the lounge room contemplate what I have pack then take out or add something and only when I am happy all is right I go to bed pondering if I have missed something get a few hours sleep then get ready and pace till launch time if travelling with others, if travelling by my self I don't pace I just go when ready and that might be 4 am in morning :rolleyes:
Heh heh heh
I have always been a last minute fellow, starting to pack late the night before and usually getting 3 - 4 hours sleep before riding out on a long trip. :sleep:
You sound like my kid brother who, after he has packed up and when he later removes something you can hear the vacuum suck of air. :D
It's ALL good - ride fast and safe as possible.
One things for sure im going to miss my lady , we havnt spent more than 3 nights apart in the last 4 years , i wish she was into riding as much as me.
One things for sure im going to miss my lady , we havnt spent more than 3 nights apart in the last 4 years , i wish she was into riding as much as me.

It has been this way with me and my bride for 39 years now and we have done just fine.
Actually it's become a blessing for me as I MUCH prefer to ride solo. Having a SPOT the past few years has helped a great deal as she can track my progress and it much reduces her anxiety about my riding.
I have also flown her in during some of my rides for a night or two respite - like when passing through Vegas or Santa Fe or San Diego.
In our case the occasional absence had indeed made the heart grow fonder!