A single back patch, or club insignia, is not soley the domain of the 1% clubs in Australia.
There are a number of social motorcycle clubs in Australia that have an approved patch that they wear them proudly on the backs of vests and jackets. Clubs like Easyriders SMC, and BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) in SA have gone about approaching there state UMC's (United Motorcycle Councils) to have a design approved.
Where clubs get into trouble is having a 3 piece design with a central logo and a top & bottom rocker that mimics the 1%er clubs. They have no regard for types of colour used or design that may infringe on copyright.
What some people don't get is the meaning of the colours and just how hard a member of these MC's or CMC's clubs has to work to earn the right to wear the colours of that club.
No wonder clubbies get upset when they see someone that has paid $50 or so to join a club and they get a patch and start acting like king dicks.
I am a member of a CMC that ministers to the 1% clubs, and I can respect the hard work and loyalty that they show to there club and there colours. The bond of brotherhood between the members can only be achieved by years of mateship and loyalty, that no social club can even hope to understand.
Please don't judge these riders unless you truly understand the culture of the MC world.
Regards Lofty