1%ers used to refer to the 1% of motorcycle riders that saw themselves as outside the law or 'outlaws' hence the 'outlaw clubs' ....that's what it used to mean , no idea what it means these days...... From what you read they're drug dealing, steroid pumped standover merchants that drive around in SUV's or european sports cars ... PS That does not include the OUTCASTS MC Australia. They have always worn a 100% patch that was later adopted by the Vietnam Veterens MC.

Do you know any VVMC
Some of the nicest people i know do but it aint for me.

I know quite a few clubbies that don't fit the previous description either. Guess when a clubs been a part of your whole adult life it's hard to just give it away .. whether you like or agree with how things are these days or not .

Have to agree with T/C over my young life have met & knocked around with quite a few patch riders or as the put OMC members.

Found a lot that are decent family men, loyal to their club and brothers without question. But on the same token, what they do/or not do has never been an interest of mine, only reason being I had children at early age and my family came first.
I certainly like collecting them as momentos of the fun travels ive had but i plan on pinning them all up on a board in my shed not on my jacket.
each one has a different story to tell i like remembering different trips while sinking a few beers :cool:
I certainly like collecting them as momentos of the fun travels ive had but i plan on pinning them all up on a board in my shed not on my jacket.
each one has a different story to tell i like remembering different trips while sinking a few beers :cool:

Yeah, that would be a nice thing. Office started a cork board with a few maps and pics of rides and it always gets a chat started when people are over. A pin our patch would be a nice moment I guess.
I wouldn't wear a back patch because I don't want to be mistaken for a 1% dirtbag.

It amazes me that a bunch of folks decide to show their rebellious individual spirit by making a bunch of rules and then demanding everybody else respect and follow them. I'm sure some of them are fine folks, but anyone that is going to get upset over what someone else puts on their jacket really needs to grow up and get over themselves.

With that said, I've nothing against the wearing of patches or showing pride in a club you belong to, just don't expect the rest of the world to be impressed.
I wouldn't wear a back patch because I don't want to be mistaken for a 1% dirtbag.

It amazes me that a bunch of folks decide to show their rebellious individual spirit by making a bunch of rules and then demanding everybody else respect and follow them. I'm sure some of them are fine folks, but anyone that is going to get upset over what someone else puts on their jacket really needs to grow up and get over themselves.

With that said, I've nothing against the wearing of patches or showing pride in a club you belong to, just don't expect the rest of the world to be impressed.

Hey Fella, careful with casting dispersion. I personally wouldn't walk into a room of several thousand Jews and call them useless cutcocks, a room filled with thousands of lesbians and call them useless crack lickers. I also wouldn't log on to a big cruiser site with thousands of bikers and start swinging **** about "patch members" and putting all patch people in the same category.

I know you're obviously just an ignorant opinionated twit.

Oops you're not offended by that are you dickhead?
Hey Fella, careful with casting dispersion. I personally wouldn't walk into a room of several thousand Jews and call them useless cutcocks, a room filled with thousands of lesbians and call them useless crack lickers. I also wouldn't log on to a big cruiser site with thousands of bikers and start swinging **** about "patch members" and putting all patch people in the same category.

I know you're obviously just an ignorant opinionated twit.

Oops you're not offended by that are you dickhead?
Generalization is unfortunately a common modern society disease, people see a couple of Dickheads wearing a patch and suddenly every body that looks even remotely similar even if they are not wearing a patch :rolleyes: is regarded as a Dickhead
Sorry mate...

Just wanted to clarify... "ROCKET" was actually me. Just got a new phone and tried getting tapatalk woking and somehow my post came up as rocket. Unquestionably my mistake using my new phone, so my sincere apology 'nethound'. I wouldnt want to respect your stance as an ignorant, opinionated dickhead and for you to not know it was me recognising your traits.

Cheers dickhead!

I'll fix my phone to ensure the next compliment i give you, you know it is definitely from me.

Hanso, i know what you mean mate and although I appreciate what you say it still erks me when some dickhead gets on the net, probably wearing a pink nighty sitting behind a computer screen calling patch guys dirtbag's! I'd have no problem with a twit having an ignorant position..thats cool in fact...I just wonder the last time he walked up to a bloke in patches and called him a scum bag to his face?

You see if i met 'Nethound' in public id have no problem telling him what i think of him. of course i wouldn't be as polite as i have been in this post but he'd get the gist of it.
Hey Fella, careful with casting dispersion. I personally wouldn't walk into a room of several thousand Jews and call them useless cutcocks, a room filled with thousands of lesbians and call them useless crack lickers. I also wouldn't log on to a big cruiser site with thousands of bikers and start swinging **** about "patch members" and putting all patch people in the same category.

I know you're obviously just an ignorant opinionated twit.

Oops you're not offended by that are you dickhead?

Nope, not offended. I wouldn't say things like that if I had too thin of skin.

And yes, over generalization is bad, so I'm sorry I went down that road. As I said in the later part of my post, I don't have a problem with patches and clubs. I do however stand by my original sentiment. Same problem I have with the gang bangers that want to dress in a way intended to show they are some kind of badass criminal. People that make a point to portray themselves as "outlaws" and the like shouldn't be too surprised if people treat them as such.

My real issue isn't with what people choose to wear or what club they want to join, it is with them then deciding what everyone else is allowed to do and respect their choices. My direct personal experience with this has fortunately been limited to a couple of individuals, and I probably shouldn't let that color my whole opinion. It has been reinforced with a lot of anecdotes from others, and things I've seen on other biker forums though, and that has left me with a somewhat colored outlook.

Anybody I meet I try to treat with respect (except in Internet postings apparently) until they give me reason not to. But if I'm around a bunch of folks that are putting themselves out there as outlaws and criminals, I'm gonna keep a close eye on my wallet.