RDU Jacket Patch

different views

Wow... I never would have thought in some areas there would be that much interest in a jacket patch by the 1%ers or the cops... I don't get it.. Here in Ontario the cops know the 1%ers, their puppet clubs and patches. They focus on them not the regular guys who ride. Also, like you guys say, there are legit clubs with patches and logos that, here in Ontario never get bothered or touched by other clubs or the 1%ers. Personally, I'd wear that patch, (have to get the symbol and "down under" modified a bit) with the great design and I love the Rocket III. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
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A biscuit patch is the patch you wear on the front of your vest just below your collar bone. If you wear a back patch here where I come from and it not authorized you get kick off your bike.
Umm, this is gonna sound dumb!!! But WTF is 1%er, I have seen it but I don't know it's meaning or origin, this is me coming out from under my rock
If I am the only one that doesn't know! Then so be it, but there could be others that don't know also
Well I won't pretend to know exactly but it comes from the early days of the Hells Angels. As I recall the MRA was defending the good name of your average motorcycle rider and said that 99% of riders were decent chaps. The bikie gangs at the time embraced the idea and proudly claimed to be the other 1%. Something like that. I read it in a book called "The sex and savagery of Hells Angels" some time in the early 70s when I was supposed to be reading Day of the Triffids.
Umm, this is gonna sound dumb!!! But WTF is 1%er, I have seen it but I don't know it's meaning or origin, this is me coming out from under my rock
If I am the only one that doesn't know! Then so be it, but there could be others that don't know also

1%ers used to refer to the 1% of motorcycle riders that saw themselves as outside the law or 'outlaws' hence the 'outlaw clubs' ....that's what it used to mean , no idea what it means these days...... From what you read they're drug dealing, steroid pumped standover merchants that drive around in SUV's or european sports cars ... PS That does not include the OUTCASTS MC Australia. They have always worn a 100% patch that was later adopted by the Vietnam Veterens MC.
now now tc, what wrong with those steriod pumped standover men. mate i swear you should write a book. the way you say **** just makes me laugh out loud. no matter what sort of day ive had, i read your post and have a laugh.

personally, i dont wear patches. some of the nicest people i know do but it aint for me or my kids.
Some of the nicest people i know do but it aint for me.

I know quite a few clubbies that don't fit the previous description either. Guess when a clubs been a part of your whole adult life it's hard to just give it away .. whether you like or agree with how things are these days or not .